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Hey everyone, thank you for reading my fanfic! My school started September 1. I'll have less time to write but I'll try too! I assure you there will be a smut! But not right now, I'm still doing research and looking for tips because I never wrote smut before and want it to be good. I feel really concerned about writing one and don't know how to! I do read smut, but not often so it's hard for me to do.
I don't even know you but love you!❤️😇 writing is really fun to do and I recommend doing it too! If it's a horror, fanfic, fantasy or a mix people will have fun reading it. You can have some hate but not so much when you don't have a lot off readers. If you have stories without reads you can place something on my conversation on my profile! And still if you don't like something about the story tell me! I would really like some criticism for my noob writing skills😶.  Anyways bye everyone!😍 O and stay safe from the virus🦠😇

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