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"So when is the father coming back?" Felix asked. "I'll be going to him in a couple months." I responded with butterflies in my stomach. "I don't know what you like about him, he weird." He said irritated. "You don't even have a girlfriend." I said, he really doesn't like Hatter. "Who said i only liked girls?" He said confused. "Oh, i didn't tell you that yet. I'll tell you now."  I look confused at him, he isn't straight? "I'm bisexual? I forgot to tell you that?" He awkwardly chuckled. "Thanks for telling me?" I never know how to react to that, also because my parents don't really support it. "Don't tell my parents, they won't accept it." I said alarming him. "Good to know." The situation got awkward, so we switched subject and talked for a while. Eventually it got late so he went home. "I'll see you another time!" I said and let him out. "Bye, it was nice." Felix said and waved while walking away. I went upstairs and went to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and grabbed 2 towels out of the cabinet. I feeled the water and went in the shower, the shower is my place to think. Alice is still stuck in my head, like voices are saying her name. I don't know why, it's just she was my friend for so long. It's hard to let things like that go, for me. For other people it's less hard, but everyone is just different. I wonder what she is doing right now...

Alice POV~

I pushed my head into the pillow, trying to wipe my tears, after months i'm still sad about what happened with Y/n. I  can't believe, i lost her! And it's all my fault, I lost my other friends too! They were all using me just to make fun of me and Y/n. Now they have no one to make fun off, they bullied me behind my back just because i was friends with Y/n. I layed on my back and tears kept streaming like buckets out of my eyes. After all these months i still miss her, maybe it'll be better if i visit Underland. I haven't seen them in a long time. I packed my bags and left without my mother noticing. I searched for the hole by the tree and found it by the weird looking tree. I jump down and everything i did here came back to me, my great grand mother always told me stories about this place when i was really young. No one believed her and got put in a  insane asylum, where she passed away from the medicine she didn't need. I didn't understand at that age, but now i do. I walked through the gates of Underland looking around the odd place. I headed to Hatter's house, I missed him. I secretly had feelings for him, but didn't get time to tell him. I walked towards the hat-shaped house and knocked on the door. I stood there for a while but he finally opened the door. "Hatter!" I said happily and went in for a hug, but he pushed me away. "What's the matter?" I asked him confused, normally he loved hugging me. "Nothing." He said expressionless. "I know something is up!" I started losing my temper. "I don't trust you anymore!" Hatter said and tried to close the door but i held it open with my foot. "What do you mean?!" I started getting angry. "Let's say i know what you did, she told me everything!" He said trying to stay calm. "When was she here?" I asked him. "Like 4 months ago." Hatter said quickly removing my foot and hardly shutting the door. "Hatter!" I started banging on the door. "What did she tell you!?" I yelled angrily. "The truth about you!" He said and popped his head out of a window and shutting it. He closed all his windows and curtains and i just had to walk away. When i was walking towards McTwisp's house all the curtains and windows opened again. I knocked on McTwisp's door and an unfimiliar beige rabbit came out of the hole. "I'm sorry but he doesn't want to talk to you." She said cold. "Who are you?" I asked confused again. "It doesn't matter, just be gone from here." She kept being cold to me so i decided to go to Marmoreal. I walked into the castle to see no one sitting at the table, it's dinner time usually they're already eating. "Sir, where is the queen?" I asked a guard politely. "In the garden. O i wasn't supposed to tell you that." He sounded cold, what has Y/n done? I walked to the garden to catch her talking to some birds. "Alice? How did you get in here!?" Mirana said sounding a little scared. "Why is everyone acting so weird?" I asked confused. "I want you to leave immediatly." She said emotionless. "But i don't want to!" I said losing my temper again. "She is a lair! She can't be here! I found it first!" I said angry. "NO!" She yelled it was so unlike her. "No you stop! I can be here! I gave you the good times! My great grandma gave you your kingdom back!" I got real angry and lost my temper. "Leave right now!" Mirana started getting mad. "Go back to the Uplands!" She yelled. "NO! I deserve to be here! I lost all my friends! I lost my happiness! I lost the love of my life!" I yelled at the queen. "This is one of the reasons why you can't be here. if you return you get imprisoned for LIFE!" Mirana got real angry and started yelling harder, it was almost evilish. "You can't make me!" I shouted putting my hands on my hips. "Guards!" She shouted and two guards grabbed my arms and started dragging me away. I saw her angry expression get out of sight while trying to release myself. "Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong!" I yelled while i was trying to hold them back. They ignored it and dragged me to the ladder. "Go up!" One demanded while he pushed me towards the ladder and let me go.

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