Truth or dare (look at the picture, a LOVELY READER❤️🥰 suggested it,)

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I wake up from the beautifull birds chirping outside my window. I look over at hatter that is still deep asleep. I get up and put some clothes on. I grabbed the ripped jeans I took with me and a hoodie from (your fav band/ YouTuber/ singer ect)put them on and head downstairs. I went to the garden to relax in the grass. I sit under a beautifull tree with white flowers falling down from it. I put my hands in my hoodie and gaze at the nice morning sky. White fluffy clouds, beautifull birds and a nice trees it was sight see. Then I see a maid come towards me. "Excuse me... Edward doesn't like what you're doing." She said looking a bit strict. "Who's Edward?" I asked curiously. "The tree, he doesn't like people sitting under him." She said guiding me to get up. "All the trees in this garden hate it." She said as she was stroking the woods of the tree. I get up and just look down awkwardly. "O by the way breakfast is ready." She said as walked away and started talking to other trees. I walk inside and at the same time hatter comes walking down the stairs. Everyone sitting at the table gave me a look, they were all smirking at us. Only the tweedels were fighting. I could hear muffled fighting.

"Try to keep it down next down." Mirana said awkwardly scratching the back of her head. Me and hatter just looked at each other and smirked. Stayne was sitting half asleep on his chair and eventually face planted on plate. The maids picked him up and took him to his room. It were like twenty maids picking him up struggling to get up the stairs. I quickly moved my mind off it when Chessur said. "I saw you two had a good time..." as he purrs in my ears. "What!?" I said while I grab him. "YOU WERE THERE?! HOW LONG!?" I screamed at him furious.he disappeared again. "After when your bra slipped off" he said as he looked me up and down. "Chessur if you do something like this again, we'll kick you out off the castle." Mirana said with a angry tone in her voice. "You have to respect people's privacy!" She said as chessur eyes got a little sad.
"I promise I won't do it again." He said going back to his seat. "I can kill him right now." Hatter whispered to me. "Me too, me too." I said calming him down with my soothing voice. We all continue eating and talk about other things. They all told new stories, riddles and jokes. At some point we started discussing what to do in the meanwhile. "How about truth or dare?" Mctwisp suggested.
"I saw a lot off people do that in the uplands!" He said looking excited. We all agreed and walk to the woods again. We sit down in a circle and mctwisp goes first. "Truth or dare?" I asked him raising one eyebrow.
"Truth!" He said shaking a bit. "Did you ever have a girlfriend? If you had tell us about her." I said and he stopped shaking. "I did she was delightful! Brown soft fur and the fluffiest ears." He said already thinking back at the times. "She onlay left for a black rabbit, that seemed cooler than I." Mctwisp said with a sad face. "Don't worry there are more rabbits in the woods!" Hatter said smiling, showing his tooth gap.
Mctwisp brightened up and we continue, we played a long time! We did weird things like: eat grass, lick a tree, let someone throw a pebble at you that kind of stuff. At some point Stayne joined, I don't really know when. "Y/n truth or dare?" Stayne asked me. "How about a dare!" I said challenging him. "How about.... you make out with me." He said with a seductive voice. I can see hatter's eyes going orange. I stand up and say: "n-no! I can't do that!" And i run into the woods. I don't care how far I run, I just wanna escape this dare! "Y/n wait! You're running to fast!" I heard hatter shout as he struggled to get over a fallen tree. I stop running and turn to him. "I don't want to!" I said tears in my eyes. I know hatter's the one for me! Nothing can Change my mind! "Hey, now you're here and Stayne isn't here for the dare so..." he said winking at me.
"I was already here." He said and jumped off the log he was standing on. "We can do the dare..." Stayne said as came closer to me. I back up against a tree no escape. "We're better off as FRIENDS!" I said while he pins me to the tree. "I'd think not..." he said as he grabbed my chin with one hand and my wrist with the other. As he comes closer to my face and I try to escape but he's too strong. As he is 2 inch away from my face he suddenly falls. He falls on the ground grabbing to his cheek, hatter! Hatter stood there with eyes white as snow and the most deadly look I've ever seen.
"Don't you dare hurt my y/n!" He said staring down at him, Stayne fear in his eyes. Stayne gets up and runs deeper into the forest disappearing into the distance. "Now he won't be bothering you anymore..." hatter said his eyes turning back to normal. "Thank you very much!" I said as I kissed him on the lips.

Thank you DreamyKawaii  for suggesting the photo for this chapter! I really appreciate it🙈🌸💓💓❤️

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