Baby time!

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Time passes quickly and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. She has red hair like her father, has big E/C eyes. Her name is Eloise, she is now 4 months old and starting to crawl. I haven't seen my family and not decided where i want her to grow up. It would be good for her to grow up here. But i want to have a job, drive my car and see our family. So I want Eloise when she is a baby in the Uplands and when she's older and can walk and talk I'll bring her to Underland. "Do you have any other way going to the uplands?" I asked the white queen. "Yes, There is a ramp at where you came through first. It's much safer." She said and gently stroked the sleeping baby's head. Eloise was sleeping in her stroller with a bunny plushy. "You should go now and Hatter should come with you." I always listen to her, she gives the best advice. "Why though?" I asked curiously tilting my head. "She shouldn't forget her father's face, she has to get used to it." I nodded and Hatter overheared our conversation. He came quietly skipping towards us. "I already packed my bags!" He whispered excited and quietly skipped away for his stuff. "When will you come back?" The white queen asked concerned. "When she walks and talks." I said softly patting Eloise's head. Hatter came skipping back with his suitcases in his hands. "I'm ready!" He said and smiled. Mirana clapped her hands and a guard  came towards us. "Protect them." She ordered and the knight started following us around. I pushed the stroller and hatter and the knight were carrying all the stuff. "Why is it so heavy?!" Hatter said under his breath while walking up the ramp. "All the presents are in there." We got a lot of presents and usefull stuff. The toys were my favorite part, they're all so colourfull! They also represent the people of underland. A dog plushie for Bayard, a little hat for hatter, a white dress for the queen, a rabbit chewing ring for mcTwisp, for thackery a teacup with the text: a sip of tea brings life glee!". That's probably my favorite also because there are pacifiers and bottles on it, filled with tea. For Mally cheese because she is a mouse, little shoes for the twins because they look the same and shoes are almost the same. For chessure cat a fur blanket because he is a cat. "Are we nearly there yet?" I asked the guard he wasn't struggling like hatter even though he has more. "Almost ma'am." He said directly after looking up. We finally made it up, but we were on the other side of the tree. "Sir you can go back now, Alice isn't in this world!" I said and thanked him after while giving hatter the rest of the stuff. It was evening and no one was out, we quietly headed home. I opened the door to my house and only dad was still awake. "Y/n! Is that the baby!" He said filled with joy and looking the baby. "Dad... this is the father.." I said awkward resting my head on his shoulder. "I need to get your mother!" He started running to the bedroom shouting. "She's here with the baby!" The neighbours probably heard that, stomping up the stairs and shouting. My mom and Nathan came running down the stairs. "What is her name?" My mom asked while her eyes were filled with happy tears. "This is Eloise!" I said and picked her up and held her. Nathan's eyes were filled with joy, they were sparkling. "Can i hold her?" He asked polite. "ofcourse you can!" I said and layed her in his arms. "She's adorable.. where will she sleep?" My father asked. "My old crib is in the basement right? We can just get it and put it in my room." I said while making faces at Eloise. My dad went to go get the crub and got it ready for her. We pit her to sleep, but it was a broken night. She cried a lot and for a long time. We eventually all could sleep and Eloise didn't cry anymore.


orry if i don't write much, lately i don't have a lot of time. I have a life too and have things to handle. I hope you respect my choice for not writing much.


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