Gone missing!

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Hatter POV
"Y/n must be done by now.." i said worried. "She didn't have much with her, I'll go check on her."
I walk up the stairs and enter her room. "Y/n! Are you in there?" I shouted and look around the room.
I'll go check the bathroom, I open the door nothing.. her bag is still here. Where is that girl? I walk back to everyone. "Did you see y/n leave?" I asked everyone. "What do you mean?" The white queen said. "She's gone, but her bag is still here." I explained. "No, we didn't. Where could she be?" The white queen said worried. "Everyone! Search for Y/n right now! That's an order!" She said and all the maids and butlers run off in different directions. "We'll search too!" She said and also runs off but gracefully.

He brings me into a cabin, it is quite nice not gonna lie. But I already hate it. "You will stay here, forever." Stayne said and sits down on a chair. "Forever?! You can't do that!" I said and start crying. "I'll tie you up, so you don't go anywhere but here." He said and grabs a rope. "You're friends have nice stuff." He said while I get tied to the bed. "You stole all this?!" I said furious. "Not everything, this cabin was already here with some furniture." "Your a monster! Just wait till everyone finds out!" I want to stand up but my wrist was tied so I could only sit and lay down. "O they won't, sweety" he said and cups my face. "Don't touch me." I said and slap him across the face. "Do you want both your wrists tied up?" He said feeling his face.
I stay silent. "Good I'm gonna get food. Don't go anywhere!" He said and walks to the door. He goes out the cabin and locks the door. I lay down and start sobbing. "I hope they find me quick." I whispered, while I was crying. I slowly drift off to sleep.

I get waken up by the sound off crows, very annoying ones. I stand up but immediately fall back on the bed.
I look to my right and see Stayne sleeping there, he did not! I grab a pillow with that one hand and throw it at his face. "Okay Im gonna tie that second hand up." He gets up, but completely shirtless. He does got abs though, but he still disgusts me! He grabs a rope again and ties my other hand to the bed. It's very uncomfortable, I could only lay on my back! Then I can never sleep or scratch or eat! I can't even go to the toilet! "Here I found some fruit." He said holds a strawberry infront off my mouth. "Is it drugged or something?" "What is drugged?" Of course he wouldn't know that! I take a bite, it was really sweet! Do drugs taste sweet? I don't think there are any drugs in underland. "Y/n! Y/n! Are you here!" I could hear a muffled but familiar voice. Hatter! Stayne quickly unties me and pushes me under the bed. He quickly crawls under too and pushes my mouth shut with his hand. This is my chance! I try to roll away but he grabs my hip and pulls me against him. "Y/n are you in here?" I hear hatter say and open the door.
"Hey! That's my old pillow!" He said and he stands right next to the bed. "How did you get here?" I reach my hand out to pull his leg but can't reach. He goes out off the cabin and starts calling for me again. "Y/n! Y/n! This isn't funny!" When we couldn't hear his voice anymore he let me go. He quickly comes out from under the bed before I do. "That was a close one, too close." He said and sits on the bed. "Seems like you have to share a pillow with me!" He said smirking at me. "O right the ropes." He said and grabs both the ropes.
"Sit still! Or you'll regret it!" "Can I go to the bathroom first?" I said getting kinda dizzy. "Go on then but don't leave!" I quickly run to the bathroom. It's cleaner than I thought. I drink some water out the sink, maybe it'll help. But it doesn't, I just stay dizzy and nauseous. "Can I have some food, I don't feel so good." I said coming out off the bathroom. "Okay, I guess." He stands up and walks to the little kitchen. He gathers some tiny fruits like, berries, grapes and strawberries. "Here you go." He said and gives me the bowl full with fruit. "Thank you!" I said and start to eat. These fruits are better then at home! Wait... Alice is coming back tonight!, what will she do when she finds out! I'll just have to wait and see...

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