Spin the bottle

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We were playing 15 minutes and the bottle hasn't point to me yet. Mctwisp spins the bottle making it spin around. And it landed on me, great. I gave a hard spin on the bottle hoping it will spin to me again. And with my luck it lands on hatter, it was okay cause he wasn't an animal. Other times it landed on him and he ran away, but now he just sits there smiling like an idiot. I hear the tweedels argue again. "He is!" I heard tweedeldee say to tweedeldum. "He isn't!" Tweedeldum Said to tweedeldee slapping him. ."tweedels!"mirana said as she snapped her fingers. "Go on then!" Mallymkum shouted at me. Hatter stands up quickly waiting. I walk over to him. "Let's just get this over with." I thought to myself kinda flustered. When I stand I front of him I placed a soft kiss on his lips. He was kinda suprised when I did it. His lips were so soft.... I wish I could kiss them again, I think I'm falling in love. Hatter spins the bottle following who it points at. It lands on chessur, he spins the bottle to see
Who he has to kiss. And it was pretty messed up. It landed on mallymkum, a cat and a mouse who would've thought. We play spin the bottle the following hour. Hatter ran away again. When they stopped I go to find hatter. It was like hide and seek. I went deep into the woods looking in the bushes, behind every tree and in every hole I came across. But couldn't find him. I sit against a tree to rest a bit i was searching for almost an hour. My dress already got a bit dirty. I notice a squirrel running out off a tree with it's baby on his back. I look into the tree and find hatter hanging on a almost breaking branch. "Hatter! Are you alright?" I shout, so he could notice me. "I'm just looking for a way to get down!" He shouts at me with a relieved face. I see a thick looking branch behind him. "Behind you there's a-"I gott cut off as the branch breaks, him falling to the ground. Luckily he wasn't high up. He lands on his feet not a single scar on his face only some sticks and leaves in his hair. "We're done playing spin the bottle." I said so he wouldn't run away again. "Good, I can't kiss Thacker he is my bestfriend, that will mess things up!" He said with a relieved sigh.

"We should go back to the palice." I said remembering it's almost tea time.

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