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I literally write fanfictions at 1 AM so maybe there are some grammar faults :/.

It was morning and we let Eloise sleep while we ate breakfast. My parents still have to process that Hatter is my boyfriend. "So um... where do you live?" My dad asked curious. He hasn't got to know Hatter a lot when he was here. "Outside of town." Hatter basically said, cause they can't know about underland. "So.... we waited till it was morning..." Mom started while she cleaning the counter. "We got Eloise a present!" She said and pulled a present out of a cupboard. "Aww that's so sweet of you!" I said excited and my mom pushed the present in my hands. "Open it!" My mom said as the lovely woman she is.  "Shouldn't we get Eloise?" Hatter asked while looking at the purple-wrapped gift. "She slept long enough, i'll go get her." I said and walked upstairs. The crib was in my room and she was still sleeeping peacefully.  I carefully picked her up and she awakend. "Hey sunshine, you ready for today?" I said softly and kissed her head. I took her with me downstairs and sat at the table with her. "She's even more beautiful in  the daylight.." My father said while letting Eloise grab his pinky. Nathan came down the stairs after his long sleep, he slept al the way through Eloise's crying. His mood immediatly brightened when he saw Eloise. "Good morning!" He said and sat on the chair next to me. "Can i hold her again?" Nathan asked, he was really clingy to us now. But i liked it, he just payed more attention to us. "Of course! Go ahead!" I said and carefully handed Eloise to him. "From who did she get that beauty? Certainly her mother!" Nathan said while playing and cuddling with her. I stood up and started making her bottle while hatter kept an eye on Nathan and Eloise. I was done and checked the tempature, it was good. "Nathan do you want to feed her?" I asked him while setting the bottle on the table. "No, my arms are starting to hurt of holding her." He said and handed her to Hatter. Hatter started giving Eloise her bottle and in no time it was empty. "Are you gonna open the gift or what?" My mom said, i kinda forgot. "Yes sorry!" I said and picked up the gift. I held it infront of Eloise so she could grab it. She held onto it but tried to put it in her mouth. I opened the gift and inside was a little pacifier with little rainbow flamingo's on it. "It's so cute!" I said and held it infront of Eloise's mouth, i didn't want to shove it in her mouth. She put it in her mouth and started getting sleeping while sucking on the pacifier. "I think i'm gonna put her to bed again, she didn't get much sleep." I said and hatter gave her a kiss and handed her to me. I went up the stairs again and layed her gently in her crib, so she can dose off to dreamland....

Funfact!:  Eloise is actually named after a friend/ classmate who is like a therapist  to me, i can talk to her about everything if it's bothering me. I hope all of you meet and befriend someone like this. Therapist kinda sounds rude but she's very nice and i really appreciate someone like that.

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