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I wake up because hatter is shaking me. "Come on dinner is ready, feel any better?" He asked while I slowly start waking up. "I do feel better, I guess I was just exhausted." I answered rubbing my eyes. "I'll go put some clothes on, you can already go to dinner." I said kissing him on the forehead. "We'll wait for you!" Hatter said walking out off the room. I get up and search for some clothes. I find a white t-shirt with some white pants, not gonna bother wearing a dress. I brush my teeth quickly and comb my hair. I fast walk downstairs to see a nice dinner, pancakes. The pancakes have still warm syrup all over them with a nice butter slice op top and some fruits. "This looks more like breakfast." I giggle while sitting down next to hatter. "Pancakes for breakfast? How silly!" Mallymkum spat out while taking a bite off her pancake. We all eat our delicious pancakes, they are the best I ever tasted! Even the fruits hit different... why can't stay forever...
"I think I'll go back home tommorow..." I said looking down. "Alice is coming back that night and i don't want her to know yet..." I said rubbing  my neck,Wait! Do I still have a hickey? "Is there still a hickey in my neck?"
I whisper to hatter and he looks at my neck. He just shakes his head, that was a close one! "But I'll come back in a week! She's going on a boattrip with her great-grandmother Alice's boat. The one that saved you're lives!" I said happily. "When she died, our time went really slow, what felt like a day was just five minutes!" Mirana said getting sad. "I liked that girl.." thackery said sad. "We all did, but now we have Her great-granddaughter and y/n!" Hatter said cheering everyone up. "We have to accept, that eventually we have to let uplanders go..." mctwisp said his last tear rolling down his face. "I'm going to pack now, then we'll have a lot off fun together!" I said standing up and start to walk to my room. I open my door and start gathering my clothes together. Where are my pants! I start looking under the bed and between all the laundry.
I feel looked at.. or am I getting paranoid? Suddenly I could feel a hand stroke my face from behind. "You thought you got rid off me, didn't you?" A fimilair voice chuckled in my ear. "You still have the dare..." he said putting his other hand on stomach. "Stay away from me." I said trying to get out of his grip, but he's too strong for me to handle. "If you call for help, I'll take you with me and you'll never see you're friends again." He said pushing me against his body. "Or even worse, you have to watch me torture them..." "I'll do what you say, just don't do anything harsh okay?" I whisper while a tear rolls down my face.
"Come with me..." he said picking me up. He made a ladder to get up here, he really is a survivor. He carries me all the way down. He takes me into the woods, it starting to get darker. We finally arrive at a cabin deep in the woods.

Just a little bit of madness | mad hatter X reader fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now