The hatter

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I end up at a tea party with three people well.... one person a rabbit and a mouse. When the hatter saw me he stood up and walked across the table. "Who did you bring now chessur?" He asked chessur. "Ask her" chessur said.
"What's your name" the hatter asks. "I'm y/n..." I said. "Are you a friend of alice?" He asked. "I am, i got here by following her." I said. "Then where is she?!" The hatter asked worried. "She's on vacation for two weeks." I said the hatter sighed of relief. "She talk a lot about you, has she talked about us?" The hatter asks. "She has never mentioned anything from here...what are your names actually?" I ask with a slightly confused face. " of course I almost forgot! I'm tarrant! That's Thackery" he points to the hare. " And that's mallymkun but just call her mally" he said while pointing at a mouse. I went to sit down at the table but thackery started shouting: "THERE IS NO ROOM, NO ROOM , NO ROOM" I stand up immediately. Mally throws a scone at him and he started saying:" plenty room, plenty room" I sit down again next to Tarrant. "Don't mind Thackery,sometimes he's a little rude." Mally said.

I accidentally rub my makeup of my black eye off irritation. "What happened to your eye? And why are you all bruised?" Tarrant asked with a worried face. "When alice came she only had a scratch of the bantersnatch" Mally said with concern. "What's a bantersnatch?" I asked. "That's not important but who did that?" Tarrant asked with a worried face. Should I just tell the truth? I would be a bad start lying to them...
"It's my brother he hates me...." I said with a sad face. They all get a shocked face. "Why would your  brother hate you?" Tarrant asked with a confused face. "When I was born all the attention went to me, and he was forgotten." I said with tears in my eyes. "So I left them so he could live a better nicer life." I said and try to sound as positive as possible. I wonder if they found me letter.....

Meanwhile with the parents

"Sweety!! Please come here immediately!" She shouted and started sobbing.
"What's wrong darling?" He asked with a worried face. "Y/n she ran away!" She said with tears in her eyes. "She wants us to spend more time with Nathan." She said. We should do what she wants, maybe she'll come back." He said with tears rolling down his face.


Tarrant took me to the palace of the white queen to meet everybody. He talked the whole way there telling all the facts of underland."Here we are." The hatter said. "It's beautiful here." Just when I said that the white queen walks up to us. "You should be y/n chessur told me about you, I'm Mirana." She said with the most sweet smile I've ever seen. "It's an honor to meet the queen of underland." I said. "Join dinner with us to meet everybody." The white queen said. "The hatter will take care off your wounds, he knows the way around." She said and walked away. "Follow me y/n!" The hatter said with joy skipping too the nearest bathroom. "Here should be all the stuff I need." He said while looking in the kabinets. He took some creams and bandaids. "This might sting a little." He said while applying the cream on the biggest bruise on my arm. He applied a lot of bandaids on My arms and legs. "I'll go choose an dress for you to wear, the maids here make the nicest dresses. After 5 minutes he comes back with a beautifull dress.

 After 5 minutes he comes back with a beautifull dress

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He goes out off the room so I can change. I walk out the room to The dining room.
I see everyone sitting at the table. Two chairs left I sit on the one next to the hatter. "For who is that chair Tarrant?" I ask. "That one is for mctwisp the white rabbit I told you about, he is always late." Tarrant explains. After that he points to everyone and tells me there names. By tweedeldee and tweedeldum he doesn't really know which is which. Then a white rabbit comes running up to the table and sits down as fast a possible. Then all the food came out, i didn't know what to start with. It looks all so delicious!

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