Back again

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Hatter and I finally arrived at marmoreal we fast walked into the palice. Go immediately to the kitchen because we haven't eaten or drank anything. When We head inside Thackery And mallymkum were drinking tea. When thackery saw us he started twitching and making weird sounds. "There back!" Thackery shouted happy. Everyone stormed to the Kitchen. "We got lost in the woods." I said awkwardly. "O dear you both are very dirty go take a bath, we'll make some food." Mirana said kindly and started giving orders to everyone. Hatter went to a bathroom to shower or bathe, and I went to have a bath. I turned on the tap waiting for it to fill. After five minutes it was done. I undressed and got into the bath. I missed the feeling of warm water touching my skin. After about thirty minutes I got out and started drying off. I went to my room that was connected with this bathroom. I picked out a outfit for tea time.
⚠️I don't own this photo!⚠️ (from the movie)

As I walk down to the dining table I see everyone sitting waiting for me

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As I walk down to the dining table I see everyone sitting waiting for me. When hatter saw me he froze, the others got a worried look on there faces. "Hatter are you okay?" I ask as I wave my hand before his eyes. He came back to reality. "I'm fine..." he said looking away. "Are you?" I ask worried. After I said that his eyes turned orange and he quickly ran away. "Hatter wait!" I shout at him, he stormed to his room without a word. I quickly run after him. While standing in front off the door I hear glass break and things get thrown around. "Before you go in change your clothes." Mallymkum said pulling my leg."that's what alice wore on frabjous day before the fight. "He keeps believing that alice won't come back." Chessur said without a grin. "I always float around invisible in the castle, and hear him talking to himself." Chessur continues and he starts telling things hatter said. I just went to my room and picked out a other outfit. Everyone's hiding as they see me knocking on the door. It became quiet in his room. "Hatter let me in please, I didn't know.." I said in The softest voice I could make. I hear the door being unlocked and hatter drags me in shutting the door after. His room is a mess, hats laying everywhere and yarn thrown around. "Will you leave me just like alice?" Hatter asked with a sad voice. "I will come back, this is my safe place." I said trying to cheer him up. "And maybe you can come to my home, it will be fun." I said, hatter turned around as he heard me say that. "I can?" Hatter asked curiously his eyes turning green again. "You can meet my parents, see alice again and meet my brother!" I said excited. "Your brother?" Hatter said with a grin on his face. "Yeah you can, but my parents will be a bit weirded out." I said with a giggle. "You'll be where I was when I ran away!" I said with a conclusion. "Can we go tonight?" Hatter asked with excited. "Sure why not? We'll go after dinner." I said getting nervous. What will my parents think? What will my brother do? How will alice react? I thought while walking with hatter back to the dining room. We sat down and started drinking tea. Talking about what we could do. Smell roses, play tag, climb in trees or make hats. "How about we make hats together?" Hatter asked smiling thinking about hats. "I would love to!" I said putting down my empty cup.
Making hats with a mad hatter? Who would've thought?

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