Chapter 3 (Wallys Arcade)

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As we walk to the register I ask "40 coins please" and start getting my wallet. As I was taking the money out I see a long arm go past me and pay.
I then see who it was, I turn eyes to In-Yeop and thank him for paying, he reply's with the same soft smile.
I didn't know how to react so I just stared at him for a few seconds before turning my eyes back to Yams when suddenly Yams grabs my hand and starts running towards the basket-ball hoops.

"Rosie are you still good?" Yams turns to me
"Wanna bet?" I say pulling out $20

30 shoots later I take my $20 and his $20, I could hear Eun-Woo , Ga-Young and In-Yeop cheer for me.
"So, what was Tokyo like? Got a new boyfriend?" Yams stares at me smiling, ""it was alright, would have been better if Jin and you were there" "and no" I continue.

Yams POV
She isn't smiling like she did when she arrived home. I think she's remembering, she should joe stayed in Tokyo for a bit longer.

In-Yeop POV
Eun-Woo, Ga-Young and Yams were playing a three player game leaving me and Jisoo alone. "I am going tot he food court" Jisoo told me while walking away. I decided to tag along with her since I had many questions. I was able to catch her sitting in a booth- CLICK- what was tha-CLICK-. I look around to see a man who seems to be in his "mid-30s  and it seems he was taking a photo of-" I look in the direction of the camera he was pointed at JISOO, I walking up to the man and take his phone reminding him "she's 22 so stop being a creep" while deleting the photos.

I then walk up to Jisoo and sit across her "you know" I start, she looks up making eye contact with me "there was a guy being a pervert and not to mention taking photos" I finish.

"Were they good photos? Did I look good?" She jokes with a blank face, "WHAT?" I furrowed my eyebrows annoyed "we are celebrities" she says while taking a bite of her salad? "That does not mean they could be creeps and that you should allow it!" I said with a mad tone , I looked down then back up at her to see she looked scared so I quietly looked down and apologized

Jisoo POV
"I'm sorry" He looks away "it's okay....did you want to tell me something or ask me something?" I ask while handing him a fork so he could eat, "yeah I do actually" he looks back at me "Are you and Yams dating or something?" He takes a bite, "No way!.. We are just friends" I look at him weirdly, He giggles and asks "so then how did you guys become friends"

"Where are your parents huh?" A boy teases me, "did they leave you" "nobody wants you" "you should just die" the others told me.

"I'm too tired, I just want everything to stop" I told myself
"I need you here"
"Rosie I took care of those guys so don't worry about them" Yams hugs me for reinsurance.

~end of flashback~

"He was there for me, we were childhood friends" I look to where Yams was and he smiled at me, I look back to In-Yeop to see him smiling.

"So since you are asking me some questions..." I start "do you have a wife though I don't see a ring, or a girlfriend?" I put my fork down. "No, but for now I wanna work in my career" he says, "me too, people are too much of a hassle especially the judging ones" I sigh "having a mental issue and finding love is hard" I rest my head on my arm.

I quickly look back up realizing what I just said "sorr-" I get interrupted...

In-Yeop POV
"Mental health huh?" I look at her concerned "depression and anxiety" she looks away.
"Don't worry, I have no reason to tell anyone, you can trust me" I smile hoping me would smile back
"You know what, your actually pretty nice" she looks up at me "we should hang out more often".

I start getting flustered turning away, I looked to the side where Eun-Woo , Ga-Young and Yams was and they were walking straight towards us.

"Let's go to Rosie's house and eat" Yams said trying to pull Jisoo out her seat, "Rosie?" I thought to myself, I heard him say it multiple times.

"Why does he call you Rosie" I ask Jisoo while walking towards the parking lot, "it's a nickname Yams and My brother call me to tease me" she explained
She sure had a childhood, I would love to see more of her and her to know more about her!

Sorry if this chapter kinda sucked, I'm watching Tokyo magnitude 8.0 and I'm tears. Anyways I had some trouble with the grammar since I'm pretty bad at it, if something does not make sense please do tell me.
I don't know how to do flashbacks and I'm trying my best to make the most sense.
Haha lucky you I was able to post two chapters today also 12 reads so far MAKING PROGRESS AHHH

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