Chapter 30 (Meeting)

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(In-Yeop POV)

9:30 am

Eva: I am at in front of your house :3

In-Yeop: I am walking to the door :-)

"Hey" Eva greeted me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek, I looked behind and Yams and Jin were staring at me, I ignore the weird stare and move aside to let Eva pass and walk into the house.

I smile at Eva and sit next to her on the couch "So what do you wanna do today" She asked, "uhhh, how about we just have a movie day today?" I ask ending with a sweet smile, Eva smiled and nodded.

Before I could put my arm around Eva's neck and comfortably watch "It" I felt a tap of my shoulder "pssst" I ignore it "PSSST" I turn around and Yams throwing popcorn at me and gesturing for me to come. I stood up "Eva, I'm gonna get some popcorn" and walked over to the kitchen, "what?" I asked a bit annoyed "Dude, why is she here? NOW?" Yams asked moving his hand "She's my girlfriend and she wanted to come over" I defensively answered back.


we looked towards the staircase and saw Jisoo coming down the stairs, she walked into the kitchen and started to make a sandwich "good morning" Jin said pulling the AirPods she was wearing out of her ear "Oh- sorry, Good morning" she said as she looked around and back at her ham and bread "Is something wrong?" "where are you going?" Yams and Jin questioned her as I just stared at her make her sandwich "I am meeting a friend" she answered smiling "OOooOoo is it the Ni-Ki Guy?" Yams teased her, Jisoo waved bye to us and left the house.

(Jisoo's POV)

I got into the car and stopped, "did I just see Eva in there?" I thought to myself but immediately shook my head "Nah, no way" I said and started driving.

I feel bad that I came back to my house, in Seoul just randomly and in the middle of In-Yeop's and the other's lives. I feel bad that I did that to them.....

I went shopping for new clothes and placed them inside the trunk of my car, I got into my car and went to buy some iced coffee, I also bought the others some coffee.

I really hope they forgive me and things won't be as awkward as last night.


I arrived at my house and got to the front door -Muffled voices- I guess we have guests over, I unlocked the door and walked in, I looked over to the living area and saw Yams, Eun-woo, In-Yeop, Ga-young and...EVA!?!?!

I set down the coffee and other bags down and made my way to the living room before I could enter I take a look at their faces once more, they looked so happy and I ruined it, at least they can be happy without me...


I got a notification and it was loud enough for them to look over to me "Oh, your back Jisoo" Yams projected, he called me by my name, I gave a small smile and looked at Eva, she was looking at me shocked "J-Jisoo...JISOO!" she said as she stood up and made her way in front of me, I slowly lifted my hand and waved "I DIDNT KNOW YOU LIVE HERE!" She hugged me and smiled really big, the others stared at us "You guys know each other?" In-Yeop asked surprised.


I hope everyone is doing great, eating and drinking water.

I am doing alright, I think.......

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