Chapter 8 (Father Figure)

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~In-Yeop POV~

I rushed to the hospital once I had heard about Jisoo, Her dad? Is he back? I made it over to a nurse "Where is Jisoo, What room?" I ask with a wave of slight anger but with a scared tone too, "what is her full name?" the nurse calmly asked "I-its Kim K-I-M Jisoo J-I-S-O-O" I respond as I also spell out her name, My heart was pounding really fast, "Kim Jisoo is in room B-3, you must like her to be that scared" the nurse smiles at me as she points at the direction of the room Jisoo was in as I start checking all the numbers "B-1, OH B-3 here it is" I say as I walk in...

Once I walk in I spot Jisoo sitting up straight on her hospital bed, Jin sleeping on the couch beside the bed and Yams sleeping on the hospital bed beside her, "what happened?" I ask walking in "Hey in-Yeop, oh uhm well my dad came home but uh-uhm can we talk about this later-r?" she asks me with a shy yet scared tone and face as she lays back on her bed, I walk towards her and take a seat on a chair that was beside her bed.

Jisoo was fast asleep, she must have been tired, I try to pass time by watching the new episode of True Beauty . as I was halfway in the episode I heard somebody saying my name "In-Yeop?" I look up and see Jin looking at me with a tired and confused expression "why are you here?" "Oh uh, I heard she was in the hospital so I came as fast as I could" I respond as I could feel my face heat up as I realize how I just sounded, " really like her huh?" Jin said with a small chuckle, " uh-uhm so why is she here? what happened?" I ask trying to ignore what he had just said: "well, her dad came home and was very drunk....she came home after a while and he started to yell and abuse her then..." Jin inhaled as he turned to the side "he threw a glass bottle at her and the cut was pretty deep" He exhaled as he pointed to Jisoo's than, it was wrapped with bandages. I was shocked and mad at the same time, she was hurt from what happened on Friday, Ga-young and Eun-woo find it uncomfortable to talk to her and now this.....THIS  "tch". Jin heard me and watched me clutch my fist "hey its okay, she's strong, it's not your fault, she's a woman and a definitely strong one" Jin said as I slowly rest my hand and calm down, "what's happening" Yams asked followed by a yawn by Jisoo" In-Yeop? your still here?" she asked while rubbing her eyes "since you are here, you should rest at my place with Yams and Jin" Jisoo spoke as we shook our heads no "guyyyysss I'm not a child, I can take care of myself, go home and rest, I will come home tomorrow okay" Jisoo said while pouting and hitting us softly with her pillow "Okay okay just be safe" Jin said while dragging Yams and ii out of her room.

~At Jisoo's House~

I decided to stay at their house- well actually Jisoo kinda forced me, "She's being discharged tomorrow right?" I ask to be sure "Yep" Yams answered. I set my bag on my guest bed and headed towards the shower, after my shower I got dressed and headed downstairs, I was halfway through the stairs when I heard- *GLASS SHATTER* "WHERE IS SHE?" a deep-voiced male said from the living room, I walk over to the living room and see who was a tall male who seemed to be in his 40's, he kinda looks a bit like Jisoo? "WHO ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU IN MY DAUGHTERS HOUSE?" the man asked, I saw Yams in the corner scared to death and Jin standing in front of him protecting him. "your Jisoo's dad?" I ask with a bit of shock in my tone, "NO SHES NOT MY FUCKING DAUGHTER. SHE Is A DISSAPOINTMENT" he snaps, "well hello I'm Hwang In-Yeop, Jisoo's friend" I say giving him a glare and a small "STFU and leave" smile.

After some time I just said "so could you leave?" "no I need to talk to her" he replies as he rolled his eyes, "ugh, she will be here tomorrow so leave now, you are scaring them," I say back but more stubborn "Fine but she better be here," he said as he FINALLY left "tch". I saw Yams shivering then the collapse of the floor,  "Is he okay?" I ask Jin who was moderating him "Yeah, he just passed out it all, but uhm t-thank you" Jin looked at me and smiled, I shyly smiled and put my hand at the back of my neck, "it's late so I'm gonna go to bed, do you need help with Yams?" I ask "o-oh no its okay, you can head to bed now" Jin answered smiling. I started heading to the guest room I was staying at, I passed Jisoo's room on my way but curiosity got the best of me so I walk into her room and admire her stuff on the wall, photos everything.

~Next Morning~

~Jisoo's POV~
(Jisoo is wearing)

At 6:00 Am I was discharged from the hospital, I decided to take a cab home because I knew the boys would be asleep and I didn't want to bother them

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At 6:00 Am I was discharged from the hospital, I decided to take a cab home because I knew the boys would be asleep and I didn't want to bother them.

I arrived home, I unlocked the door and as I opened the door I saw glass shattered everywhere and the smell of alcohol, my dad must have come by *eye roll*. I go upstairs after cleaning all the glass and end up finding In-Yeop curled up on my bead soundly asleep "hey wake up" I whisper as I shake him, In-Yeop groans in annoyance "Ughhhhh~no~5 More mutinies ~" I let out a small smile and laugh "yeah sure but breakfast will be ready in 30 minutes" I said while tucking him under my blanket.

~Few minutes later~

I finish preparing breakfast and getting ready, first to arrive was In-Yeop "hey you hungry? I made a simple soup," I say handing him a bowl as he sat across from where I was cooking. "Jin told me what happened yesterday, He texted me, sorry for my dad and thank you for stepping in, I owe you big time," I told In-Yeop, "have you slept yet?" he asked putting his hand behind his neck and looking down at the soup "not really, you were kinda on my bed and I didn't want to wake you up" I looked away as I remembered him asleep, suddenly it felt like there was something in my stomach and then my face started to heat up to a red colour, was I sick?


"I met up with my dad so don't worry about it," I told In-Yeop as we start walking to set, he looked at me wide-eyed and he seemed scared "A-are you alright? are you h-hurt?" In-Yeop sounded worried, I don't know why but having somebody be worried about me made me feel relieved, "Thank you" I looked at him as we both stopped walking "f-for what?" In-Yeop asked "well for being worried for me and actually caring," I said as I saw his face turn red, "always," In-Yeop said as we started walking again, there was the feeling again in my stomach, my face felt warm, was I sick? is it the weather? was it something I ate? I was so confused, or was it something else?


AH sorry for being so late and not updating as much I was actually catching up on homework and I was writing the rest of the chapters in my notebook since for me writing is so much easier, I have written 8 pages of the next chapters. I can't help it but for the past few weeks mainly this month (January) but I can't help but feel like I need to rush everything, its like a have a timer and I don't know why I feel like that, so it's been difficult to focus on school and write this book but I am trying my best. also sorry is this chapter was short.


I hope everyone ate something today, took a mental health day off or just a long rest, I hope you drank water snd got your nutrition, had some kind of exercise :)

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