Chapter 10 (Birthday Reality)

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~In-Yeop POV~

"oh, i thought they would be here, anyways you can go and get your bag or stuff" Jisoo told me . I went up the stairs and entered the guest bedroom, I checked everywhere but my bag was not there "Hey Jisoo" i called down the stairs "Yes" she answered "um my bag is not here", "oh i put it in my room since you fell asleep on my bed", my face turned red "u-uh th-thanks". i entured Jisoo's room and started looking for my bag, I checked her closit "not here", I checked under her table "not here", then I checked under her bed " it is" i mutter, as I took my bag I also saw a black poka dot box, me being curious I took out the box and sat on her bed "she wont mind" i tell myself as I start counting down, "3...2...1..OPEN" i opened the box and found....her report cards from school and what seems to be a birth certificate folder?

"Damn,shes a nerd" i say while reading her %100 on all her report cards (a/n i am using the Canadian report card system since I don't know much about other conterys) and perfect credits and GPA, I then picked up her birth certificate "She never did tell me her birthday, one look wont hurt" i opened the paper that was covering the birth certificate to see.....25/12/1996- WAIT but today is december 24. Shocked i put the box back under her bed and walk back downstairs, there i spotted her, she was laying on the couch fast asleep, i walk closer to her with now our faces only a few cm apart, i look closer to see...Jisoo crying? In her sleep? I wipe her tear as i then picked her up bridal style and layed her on her bed, i tucked her in  and placed a small kiss on her forhead hoping she is alright.

I left her house a few minutes later..


In-Yeop: Did you know it is Jisoo's Birthday tomorow???

Jin: How do you know?

Yams: She told you :0

Ga-Young: Wait-really??

Eun-Woo: Why did she not tell us :<

In-Yeop: I just found out like a few muinites ago also where are you guys (Jin and Yams)? I walked her homw and you both were not there???

Yams: OoooOOOo Romeo making his move huh?

Eun-Woo: Walking her home eh :)

Jin: We were at work, Is she okay?

In-Yeop: -_- and yeah shes okay, she fell asleep on the couch, she was crying too? also i picked her up and layed her in bed dw   ~W~

In-Yeop: Anywayyysss, what should we do for her birthday??

Ga-Young: Party?

Yams: Uh actually, dont do anything, she doent like her birthday, ill explain..Lets meet at Bspot?

In-Yeop: yEa

Eun-Woo: SURE

Ga-Young; mhm

Jin: I sEe YoUUU 0w0

~Nobodys POV~


Yams and Jin and the others had met up at Bspot, everyone had ordered a coffee consitered it was 9:00 PM. As they were waiting for their coffee Yams and Jin began to explain why Jisoo did not like her birthday.


"Jisoo was walking back home when she got hit in the head and emediantly blacked out, Jisoo woke up with pain aching all over her body "You were fun" a man said with a smirk as he left with her "card" (a/n if yk what i mean by card) , she later told her family that day and soon it was confirmed~ 25/12/2004

"My wife left and my wonderful left me because of a bitch and slut you are" Jisoo's dad yelled ~25/12/2010

"I love you" Kyle told Jisoo "i love you too" she replied with a huge smile and leaped to hug him, the same night he became her second and left for USA the next morning ~25/12/2009

"Your dad is in Jail"~25/12/2010

"Please sign this contract"~25/12/2011

~end of Blackflash~

Everybody sat in silence and left one by one (with their coffee)

~Jisoo's POV~

I Woke up and checked the time 12AM "Oh yeah, dad is coming over" i said as i heard the doorbell ring . I walked over to my door and let my dad in but suddnly i smell a heavy heavy sent of alchohal, "This is all your fault" he said as he started to hit me. i heald my legs in pain, i look back at my hand and see "Blood" i say as i start frekeng out.

~40 Minutes Later~

He finnally left i thought as i start running rivers/ sobbing in pain. AFter some time i patch up my scars and cuts then wore some sweat pants , i went back up stairs and eventually cried myslef to sleep.

~Morning (7AM)~

Hours later i woke up and felt tired and misrable , i look over at my alarm clock and see in a bright neon red clour "7:00AM" my eyes widen "SHIT i have set in an hour" i mutter as i hop into the shower.

I finished getting dressed and eating at 7:47AM, knowing i would be late i decided to now walk but drive to set. I luckily made it to set at exactly 8:00AM, i greeted eveyrone on my way o shere we would be shooting our next scene, i walk into the classroom and heard a loud ~POP~ i flinched for a while but once i open my eyes i see.....



so sorry for the cliffhanger but hehehehehe. sorry, i have this random burst on energy and i felt like writing so HI.

HOpe you guys are still doing well, eat your nutruions, lisen to some music and enjoy everyday :)

also i am deeply sorry if you had a hard time reading this, i am typing really fast and my grammarly is not working with me right now :)

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