Chapter 19 (Antidote)

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(In-Yeop POV)

I walked over to the others and heard...

"Hey, should let's get some food?" Ga-Young asked "Yeah, I'm STARVING" Yams exaggerated "Should we wait for them- OH HEY GUYS" all four of them rushed over to Jisoo and me "Is she okay" "is she tired?" "What happened?" "should we go home" they drowned me with questions "no no it's okay..she just needs time she over-exhausted herself" they just stared at me questionable "u-uhm Food sounds good?" I said as I pushed Jisoo back up so she doesn't fall, I looked at Jisoo and she was resting on my shoulder with her eyes closed.


"AHH FTH|E FOOD HERE IS SO GOOD" "I haven't eaten junk food in a while"  "we should come here more often" they chatted, Jisoo was still asleep while we were eating so I packed some of my food for her to eat when she wakes up. We walked over to the gift shop and decided to buy a souvenir, I walked to a bright screen with some hair bands and bracelets, my eye had caught something, it was a Blue butterfly reminded me of Jisoo, I looked over to the bench across the shop and I saw Jisoo rubbing her eyes while talking to Yams "I should buy this for her" I said and paid for 2 Butterfly bracelets (Photo above) and headed towards Jisoo.

"Hey, your awake now, are you hungry?" I asked "Hey, sorry for sleeping for a while and yeah should we buy food?" she asked innocently, her hair was a bit messed but it looked cute... I snapped out of my thoughts and answered "Nah it's okay nut now that your awake wanna do something fun?" I handed her Milk boba tea and some spicy Ddeokbokki "I know you like these so I got you some" I said and smiled at her.

(Jisoo's POV) 

he handed me Milk boba tea and Spicy Ddeokbokki "I know you like these so I got you some" In-Yeop said handing me the food and smiling, I stopped working and just admired his smile, it was warm and welcoming- I quickly snapped out of it, I was staring too long why am I like this to him? "Thank you and yeah it is, how did you know?" I questioned as I took the food "I seen you eat it a lot" he answered and Yams gives him a high-five "don't even, you didn't bring food for me" I pouted and looked away from Yams "Hey! I'm sorry I forgot okay don't be mad at me" Yams whined.

Everybody met up together after some time, "the lights look amazing at night, it so beautiful" I said as I spun around looking at how amazing everything looked at night " is beautiful" I turned to In-Yeop and he was looking right at me as he answered, my cheeks turned a light pink. I saw a big Ferris wheel that was changing colours, it was so pretty, I wonder what the view up there is like...excited I took In-Yeops hand and ran over to the line for the Ferris wheel.

"OKAY NEXT IN LINE," the woman said, I walked over and handed him some ticket "Okay you can step on" the women instructed, I immediately sat inside and as In-Yeop was about to walk in the woman grabbed his other hand and whispered something in his ear, I wonder what she told him?


sorry for the short chapter, I hope everybody is doing great, drink water and stay hydrated, spread some positivity cause somebody might need it, EAT SOMETHING and fill your stomach with what YOU like okay :)

finish your homework or anything you have due school or not, yesterday my sister and I watched over the moon and at some spicy and cheesy Ddeokbokki and it was A M A Z I N G I highly recommend, the movie "Over The Moon" was sad and taught a lot about what somebody might feel when they lose a loved one and I honestly love it, I haven't lost anyone I love and I hope you haven't easier but the movie gave me goosebumps all over and got me wanting to enjoy every moment with everyone, the phrase "YOLO" I old and often made fun of but the more I think about it I just keep wanting to depend on it more and more.

You Only Live Once, stand by it and spend every moment like it's your last :)

I was also going back to dome old music I listened to when I was younger and honestly it nostalgic, I wish I could have spent more time enjoying it rather than worrying and being stressed, I sound old but it is the truth. one thing would love to do is watch the Northern lights with my friends, have a picnic with hen and just have a long night drive while listening to nostalgic songs and talking about life and reality and what we will do. Oh god, I sound really stupid, its something I don't tell anyone because I am worried they might think I'm not focused on my school or not taking anything serious or anything :/ 

thank you if you read this part :)

I am officially marrying the comments :3 ily and be safe 

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