Chapter 33 (Siblings)

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(Jin's POV)

When Jisoo left I have the most scared, she is my sister and I lost her, I know I wasn't the best older brother but that doesn't mean I don't miss her and enjoy her presence. Our parents were cruel to her and I watched, I always wanted to help her but I was scared, I am unsure how she still has a smile left.


"WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING HERE WITH BLOOD AND MARKS ON YOU" Mom was yelling at Jisoo, Jisoo came some covered in blood, busted lip, bleeding forehead and other marks and scars on her body, she was bullied again. I walked to my room annoyed and waited for my mom to stop yelling. After a while I walked back into the living room, Jisoo wasn't there, mom or dad wasn't there, where did they go?

After some hours have passed I heard a car pull up to our house, Mom and Dad come into the house with food and sat on the couches as if everything was normal. I tugged on my mom's sweater "Mom, w-where is Jisoo?" I asked and looked over to my dad "She's getting help".

-End Of Flashback-

"I remember the day you left, left to the hospital," I said breaking the silence, I was looking down on the ground to avoid crying and eye contact "it was scary, it was the first time I was separated from you for so long...when you came back I was relieved but then again this year you left...I know I am not the best brother but I still care about you, I want to be there for you but you keep leaving" my voice started to crack and tears fell down my face "t-that day you left...It was E-Eva who hh-hurt you right?" I asked turning to Jisoo, she was looking at me, my eyes were red, her eyes were red as she slowly nodded. "When will you learn, this doesn't affect just you, I am hurt by it too and you keep making me worried," I told her and looked back at the ground "i-I'm sorry" I heard her voice break but her sorry just got me more upset, I stood up and faced her "HOW MANY ATTEMPTS HAVE YOU MADE" she knows what I was talking about, "i-i was scared shitless that you would actually leave" I never told her about how I felt about our situation, I let out a large sigh and walked towards the door "wait" I turn around and Jisoo stood there "what Jisoo" I answered, I never called her by her first name, she seemed to notice how upset I was. We stood there for a while "I really am sorry" Jisoo spoke and hugged me, I hugged her tightly as if I was gonna lose her "just don't leave or try to do it again" I felt her head nod "okay, okay and sleep" I kissed her forehead and let her go.

She's brave and strong but she's still my sister and I care about her.


sorry, this chapter was short!

I hope everyone is having a good time and doing very exciting things, make sure to get your nutrients and hydrate :)

"We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun" -Winne the Pooh

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