Chapter 5 (The Big Secret)

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A/N: So my sister is starting to read this and- I'm embarrassed so to my sister "we do not speak a word of this " :)

~Jisoo's POV~

Once we had gotten in the car Yams Turns to me and tells me "Your dad's attorney called..." "He is being released next week" he finishes as I immediately turn to him and yell "WHAT" in shock,

~Yams POV~

"WHAT" She yelled, she looked like she was scared and was a few seconds into a breakdown, being the good friend I am I hugged her and let her cry. Everything was going fine, she even made new friends... but yet again her dad comes back making her carry his burdens and mistakes. I can't let her face this alone again, she might need me, I let out a big sigh.

~Jisoo's POV~

when we arrived home I went straight to my bed and kept crying.



~End Of backflash~

My dad's words still haunt me...


Jisoo is wearing this...

Or any outfit you like

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Or any outfit you like..

I decided to go out for a walk before my set, while walking I run into Eun-Woo. I keep walking past him since I really did not want to interact with anyone right now, I stopped hearing him walk, THIS BOI WAS FOLLOWING ME NOW WHA- "why are you following me?" I ask trying to not sound rude, "we have set in a bit, wanna go together?" Eun-Woo looked at me making eye contact while asking, "FAKE IT" a voice came over me as I agreed, "I am having a Movie and game night thing of Friday if you wanna come, In-Yeop is coming too" I say last as I walk faster on the set.

~Hwang In-Yeop POV~

as I finally made it to the set with my motorbike I see Eun-Woo and Jisoo talking, Are they close now? I saw Jisoo walk faster onset so decided to talk to her a bit "Hey" I say with my iconic smile, "Hey" she replies looking up at me with her iconic blank face, I take a closer look at her face and notice her eyes are red "wha-What's wrong?" "Are you sick?" "were you crying?" I begin as I attack her with questions "It's nothing, just my dad" she says looking down "Just let it go" she says as she walks away. Her dad??

Jisoo is wearing this..

~Friday~Jisoo is wearing this

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Or any outfit you like....

~Jisoos POV~

I am meeting with Ga-Young for breakfast today. I arrive at the destination she suggested, it was called "K Cafe" as it lit up (Not real, I don't think so), As soon as I walk in I saw Ga-Young Pretty as ever, sitting as waiting for me. I walk up to her as greet her "Hey, did you wait long?" " I just arrived myself" she smiles.

"We never get to hang out like this before" she smiles while drinking her coffee

"Yeah we were always around the boys we never got the chance to talk as much," I say taking a sip of my coffee hydrating my soul

A/N: speaking of which, please get up, stretch, take a drink of water, hydrate your soul, and eat something, if you got homework please finish it before continuing :)

"This is a bit random but since the whole show is about it... have you ever liked anyone?" she asks,



~End Of Backflash~

"No, not really" I respond looking away

as a few minutes passed as we talked I take a look at my phone and realize the time, 5:39 Pm "Shit" I say quietly as I start packing my things, "sorry but In-Yeop promised he would help me shop and I might be late... OH also I am having a Movie/Game night tonight and the boys are coming" I say as I run out.

I arrived at the Kmart and got a cart waiting for In-Yeop to show up when I got two messages

Ga-Young: Crush maybe

In-Yeop: I'm almost there

I get flustered as I look away

~In-Yeop POV~

I arrived at the Kmart Jisoo told me and as I went in a saw Jisoo with a cart looking at her phone...

You: I am here and i see you :F

Jisoo: creepy

"Hey" I tap her shoulder, she jumped as a reaction "did I scare you" I start holding my stomach laughing "Hey that's not nice' she says as she playfully hits my shoulder while pouting, she seems to be getting comfortable around me :)

"what do you want to buy," I ask as we enter the meat and produce section, "I am gonna cook" she answers, "COOK, damn what cant you do" I smile teasing her.

"so what happened with your dad the other day, after you left all three of us noticed that you never talk about your family or when you were younger" "you don't have to answer me" I put it out there, we became closer and I will do anything to not ruin the relationship we have, "My dad is getting out of jail" Jisoo starts as she picks up some chicken " it was actually my dad who told me to stop smiling, he says I look like a slut and I don't talk about them because I don't like them and they aren't some people I would like to talk about' she lets out a sigh "after I got harassed (raped if you wanna be upfront) at 7 my mom and Jin left my dad with me, she said I was an embarrassment, my dad and my mom ether wanted me so leaving me with my dad means he could hurt me" "it happened twice... the dad abused me and I just wanted everything to stop, I almost did it but Yams found me and found me help" "I'm a mess I know" she ends off, jisoo then looks at me and apologized, by now we were at the candy and baking else, my body unconnchesly moved behind her and have her a hug from the back, "i wanna see you smile and i promise i wont leave you" i told her as i picked her up and placed her in the cart, "do we need anything else" i ask giving my signature smile, i noticed she was still in chock and wasn't talking "sorry did i make you unconfurtable?" i ask scared "no its just most people think I'm weird and thank you for lisening and not leaving also yes we are done" she looks at me "great" i say pushing the cart with her in it.


it is 12:15 AM right now, I'm super tired but thank god tomorrow is a no school day, sorry if the topics were heavy, this was not part of my dream but I needed something to explain Jisoo not smiling and being in Tokyo etc. I got 84 view as I am happy :) also r.i.p to my sister reading this.... bye :)

Grammarly is attacking me for my mistakes.

Update: I wrote this a few days back, sorry if my style sucks and I also just wanted to say...
I saw a comment and the person said how they can't wait for the next chapter.. I hope you guys are enjoying the chapters I write and the book in general, it is my first so I will need more experience and to the person who wrote that :) thank you, you made my whole week great and I FLEXED the comment you wrote.

Oh and the next chapter will actually have some of the others asking questions so they aren't in the blue, I hope the story doesn't seem too dark, this was not part of the ideas I had for this book and I hope I am not offending anyone :)

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