Chapter 6 (Movie/Game Night)

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~Jisoo's POV~

After we had finished shopping I felt closer to In-Yeop like I can trust him, I spilled on him so I had nothing to be scared of, I'm glad we are friends.

In-Yeop and I walked to my house since I was nearby, "Aish, this is so heavy" he complained, "Hey don't complain we are almost there" I said as I pointed to my house, as soon as he saw my house he grabbed my keys and all the bags I was holding and ran to the door, trying to open it.


We entered the house to see Ga-Young, Eun-Woo, Yams and jin already there staring at us, In-Yeop and I look at each other then took our phone to see the time "ITS 7:00 PM" In-Yeop looked at me in shock, "Yo Bonnie and Clyde, where have you been?" Yams asked while helping bring the bags to the kitchen, "we were at the Kmart, I didn't know we took that long" I reply "CaN yOu MaKe FoOoOoDdD, I Am HunGrY aNd yOu MAAKKKEE THE bBBBEEESSSTTTT FFOOODDD" Jin Whined "Yeah I will start on it, you guys can start the movie or something" I say starting to unpack the meat.

~Few Minutes Later~

I bring in the food, placing it on the table, I hand them each a bowl of white rice, Jin on the other hand starts eating as fast as Goku "calm down we arent in Dragon ball, you might choke" I warn him as I place brownies on the table "YOU MADE BROWNIES TOO" Yams yells grabbing them "If she's gonna cook and bake like this whenever there are guests then bring your friends guys" Jin And Yams say as they continue to stuff their faces, "They are always like this, you guys should eat too" I say giving them some side dishes.

~Eun-Woo POV~

We each took a bite of the food.......I started eating everything faster than Changbin can rap, "It's SOO GOOOD" all five of us praise her as she watched us eat. After a while Ga-Young and I turn to In-Yeop and Jisoo and see him hand her a bowl full of side dishes, "I see Mr. Romantic is making his move eh" I whisper to Ga-Young, Impressive.

~Ga-Young POV~

"Aish, you are a really good cook," I tell Jisoo as she puts the plates and bowls aways, "I missed your cooking when you were in Tokyo, it WAS hell" JIn exaggerates, "Thank you," JIsoo says with a blank face "Hey Jisoo...Why don't you smile?" I asked as we took a seat on the couch, I watched Yams look at Jin and In-Yeop wide-eyed "I don't feel like it" Jisoo sighs "you don't feel like smiling.. at all?" Eun-Woo asked with confusion "yeah, it's too much effort" Jisoo elaborates, "So what game do you guys wanna play?" Yams asked trying to cover the awkward confusion, "why don't we play 100 questions" I suggested, "how do we play?" Jisoo asks, "we all have a sheet of paper and a pen or something to write with and we list the questions we have for each other beside a number of any range, then we ask anyone around is to pick a number between the range and ask the question of the number they chose"I explain as I saw Jisoo bring some paper and pens.

~After a few minutes of writing some questions~

"is everyone done," I ask "yes" they all answered at once, "who wants to go first?" In-Yeop asks "Oh, ask me" Jisoo says as she positions her self to face In-Yeop

I-Y: "Pick a number between 1-22"


I-Y: "What's your fear?"

J: "I am scared of being alone and of Heights"

"Okay so now Jisoo can ask anyone," I tell Jisoo, "1-58" she turns to me and asks, "One-YOU WROTE 58 QUESTIONS IN LIKE 4 MINS -_- and two- I pick lucky 22" I answer full of shock and surprise....she is quite talented for someone who is 22, "what do you think of me?" Jisoo asks, "I think you are really impressive definitely smart and sweet...but you don't express your feelings which makes it hard to know what you are thinking or feeling...but overall your parents must be proud, happy or grateful to have a daughter who is as extraordinary as you," I say with a smile. I must have said something wrong because Yams, In-Yeop and Jin also Jisoo just stared at me than the three boys just looked at Jisoo with a "0-0" face. "it is your turn" she signalled me, she must have not been bothered by whatever I just said, I gained my refocus and turned to Yams and asked "1-15", "3" he answered "who is your favourite person in this room?" I asked looking back up at him, "that's easy...MY ROSIEEEEEE OF COURSE" he said happily with a huge smile (A/N: think of it as Choi Byung-Chans smile on Live On, it's cute :).

Yams: "Eun-Woo, Kiss marry Rosie and Ga-Young?"

Eun-Woo: "That's your question -_-..... Kiss Ga-Young and marry Jisoo," he says looking down a little flustered

~In-Yeop POV~

It was now Eun-Woos turn to ask a person, "Jisoo 1-18" he asks her, "12" Jisoo responds "Mom or Dad?"Eun-Woo asked looking at his paper, suddenly it got quiet *Silence* "pick another number Rosie" Jin breaks the silence, "4" she randomly picks again "Mom or Dad? Why cant she answer?" Eun-Woo looks at Jin, "Its fine Eun-Woo just say number 4" I say to break the tension, "Mom or Dad" Eun-Woo stares at Jisoo, "Fine...they both suck so I'm going with brother" she answers annoyed "I am going to sleep, I have another photoshoot tomorrow and I have to meet up with WEi, Goodnight" she says as she walks up the stairs "GOODNIGHT ROSIE" JIn and Yams Yells so she could hear.

"Why did you insist so much" I glare at Eun-Woo "I just wanted to know" He glares back at me, I then look and turn my attention to Yams who got up and came back with some paper, "This is a contact she has with Jin and me," Yams says handing us the paper, "In-Yeop...Did she tell you?" Jin asks, "Uh-yeah she did actually" I answer knowing they are asking about what Jisoo had told me at the Kmart, I then look down to read the contract as then my eyes widen.....


AHHH WE ALL LOVE A CLIFFHANGER, I decided to publish a new chapter today since in two hours it is Hwang In-Yeops birthday (in Canada) but it already says he is 30 so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, the new upcoming chapters will be more happier and I wonder what will happen between Jisoo and In-Yeop :)

also, I am sorry if the chapter was short, I was writing between classes :)

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