Chapter 11 (Birthday Suprise)

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~In-Yeop POV~
Once she walked in I put out a confetti popper 🎉 , Once I did I saw her flinch, "Shit did I trigger a memory or did I scare her?" I thought But before I could apologize everybody came out and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JISOO" I looked at her as she looks around her, her eyes were red again- Her dad?. I quickly pulled her in a hug and walked with her to another room, "a-are you okay?" Your eyes are red" I asked Jisoo while I place her on a chair "m-my d-d-dad" she said before bursting into tears, I don't know what else to do so I pulled her into a hug  "did he hurt you again?" I asked as I felt her shake her head up and down. I felt hurt, somebody- actually not just somebody but her DAD hurt her again, I felt angry, I thought that this year for her it would be different but "Mr.Perfect dad" was in her way AGAIN. "I promise this year I will make your birthday your new favourite day," I said as I held her shoulder and looked her in her eyes "no more running away, okay?" I told her, I watched her eyes soften "Y'Know actually got me to laugh a while back" she said with a small smile. My heart skipped 911 beats (911 cause somebody calls a doctor) SHE SMILED AND I CAUSED IT, I immediately sent a huge big smile back then I turn to a confused face "wait? When did you laugh before??" I asked " were asleep on my bed when I got home so I tried to wake you up and-d you kept saying 5 more minutes and it was honestly cute" she giggled as my face turned red, "your pretty cute when you smile," I said making Jisoo blush "Aish, let's go they are waiting- oh and uhm thank you" I smile in response, I can't believe I got her to smile and laugh, mission achieved, I felt my face turn red as I smile like an idiot.

We went back in the room with the others, Jisoo wasn't smiling, guess she only trusted me. She cut the cake and opened the gifts we bought her. The day was almost over and we spent it by going over to Jisoo's house (Eun-Woo, Ga-Young, In-Yeop) and watched some Netflix together (with Jin and Yams) as each one of us falls asleep, or by one.

Sorry this chapter was short :)
But I really wanted to update, you guys are really supportive and I really love you guys :3

I'm doing a song for my French class and it's hilarious, we are doing the song Baby from Justin Bieber and omg I wish you guys could hear it.

Also IM BUYING SOME KPOP ALBUMS AHHH lol sorry if I sound like I'm bragging but my friends don't care and I wanna tell someone

I hope you guys are doing great,
You are really important to me and I love you *Hugs*

𝐵𝑢𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠🦋 ~𝗛𝘄𝗮𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻-𝗬𝗲𝗼𝗽~Where stories live. Discover now