Chapter 25 (Offical)

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(In-Yeop POV)

The memories were flowing back in my head over and over again and the whole thing kept re-playing like a song stuck in my head. I couldn't focus on what Eva was saying cause I kept getting distracted, I am over here...., right? This is why I am with Eva now, I got over Jisoo and I am with Eva now. "H-hey....are you listening?" I heard Eva ask, I snapped back to reality and looked back at her, my eyes however kept looking back at the spot of grass and the view...It was where she confessed...then left.

I looked back at Eva, she seemed upset, I wouldn't blame her...I wasn't paying attention to her "I'm sorry if I am boring you....we can just go to a cafe or something?" she said as she looked down and I could tell she had those puppy dog eyes Jisoo use to make. I didn't know what had gotten into me but my hand cupped her face

leaned in...


Kissed her...

(Eva's POV)

I felt him kiss me, I didn't know he had liked me that much, he seemed distracted and bothered the whole time but I guess he was just nervous, a Good thing he feels the same way as I do, I guess I wasn't the only one. I didn't even realize I was bright red and looked away until he mentioned it "you look cute when you blush" I blushed even more "a-are we dating?" I asked hoping for a- "Yeah..i-i mean if you want" we looked at each other making eye contact "I r-really like you" he softly said and tuned away to look at the sky. My eyes widen and my face turned even more red...After a while i realized i just left him hanging "o-oh uh, i like you too and i think we should date" i said and shyly smiled, he faced back at me and gave me a smile and a small peck on my cheek.

We are now officially dating.....OH MY GOSH WE ARE DATING.....He is my first b-boyfriend...I should do my best.

(In-Yeop POV)

After i just kissed her we just sat there and stared at the sky, it was really beautiful *Jisoo's Image flashes* My face went from smilining to a straight face. I miss her and it feels like the same thing over again, but i want this to work ith Eva...Why does Jisoo keep coming back in my head.

I Should Call Ga-Young, She Could Help Me And Give Me Advice.


sorry i haven't posted, i have been caught up with school and things in genral.

i hope everyone is okay, make sure to eat something, it could be a snack or a big mean or something between. Stay hydrated and have fun :)

i wrote this on the 1 year anavercity of when WHO announced the pandemic


i hope the whole year of this taught you something and you have had fun and just did your best :) if so....I am proud of you <3

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