Chapter 13 (The End)

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(a/n not the end of the book don't worry :3)

*Present Day/ New Years Eve*

I am happy I told that peasant off, In-Yeop was beside me as I told him the story hoping he won't be mad at me, but instead of being mad at me, he smiled at me "I'm proud of you" he told me as he pulled me into a hug.

Ga-Young, Eun-Woo and In-Yeop decided to stay at my house for a week since we didn't have much to do and we liked being around each other, they also walk in the most times when Yams and I are being idiots like once Yams and I were having a cook-off (I always win) and they walked in on me and Yams throwing flour at each other and we all just stared at each other for a while but then In-Yeop threw some on me making all of us have a flour fight, The whole week we were together was honestly fun and its all thanks to In-Yeop for it all.

"10..9..8..7" the countdown was going on the tv "6..5..4" 4 seconds left I thought as I started to think about my year and who I had to thank for it "3..2..1 HAPPY NEW YEARS" we all screamed and at that moment I kissed In-Yeop's cheek as a thank you gesture, as soon as I did I heard the others go "oOooOOoOo" as I watch In-Yeop turn red and turn away trying to hide his face, heh I made him blush.

It was always the 6 of us, even Eun-Woo and Ga-young and I got closer. I noticed this a while back but it's only confirming more and more it happened, I keep getting this feeling in my stomach when I was around In-Yeop...does it happen to him?...what does it mean?


Today was January 18, 2020, today was also the last day of our episode and the last day on set and together and everyone who was part of it would meet last time.

Sorry for the cliffhanger but OOP BUTTERFLIES

also sorry it was short, schoooooollllllll

hope everyone is doing well and eaten something today, drank water, done something physical.


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