Chapter 28 (Arrival)

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(In-Yeop POV)

I saw the message and read through it, I didn't know how to feel, I am perfectly fine without her and I'm doing great... she coming tomorrow and I'm with Eva and- I start to panic "Hey, hey calm down" Jin said as he got me to sit down on my bed "breathe" I start to inhale and exhale normally and lay on my bed resting my eyes "UGHHHHHHH" I let out a huge groan of annoyance, Yams and Jin just look at each other then back at me "I was doing perfectly fine and if she coms then it might change things- WAIT NO I CAN'T LET HER CHANGE THINGS..." I jump up from my bed "I like Eva and I'm with her now" I said as I fall back down to my bed "okay Romeo, we are gonna go and find some things to decorate for Jisoo's return" I heard Yams say followed my footsteps fading and my door shutting.

Why is my stomach feeling like this again? I moved on...I really should move on, She probably moved on too, she may even have a boyfriend, maybe even younger than me :/ I let out a sigh and hug my pillow eventually falling asleep.


I woke up to a ringing sound, it was my alarm but I shut it off.......WAIT JISOO IS COMING TODAY I freaked in my head as my head popped up from my bed, I quickly checked the time "10:34 am" SHOOT I AM GONNA BE ATE FOR MY PHOTOSHOOT, I then quickly take a shower and change my clothing and drive to my photoshoot.


My photoshoot was finally over, it was tiring, ever since I acted in 18 again and true beauty I have been getting a lot of attention. I check the time "4:59 pm" it felt like I forgot something but I couldn't remember what.... was it with Eva...Yams...Jin? I got really irritated by what I forgot. Not long after I let it go and went to a nearby cafe though it still bugged me.

(Jisoo's POV)

I got off my plane and headed straight for my house, "ah how I missed this place" I said with a smile plastered on my face. Soon after my arrival I arrived at my house, I took a deep breath and walked up to the stairs leading to my door "3...2...1" I said and opened the door......

I peeked inside and not much of a surprise but no one was there, the house was empty....did they forget? Are they still mad at me?, without a lot of thoughts I fully walked into my house, I placed my phone on the kitchen counter and went up the stairs to go to my room and unpack. I was feeling a little tired so I decided to rest, I did feel a little sad, they weren't there and it's like they moved on completely....was going to Japan a mistake? so many thoughts filled my head as I tried to sleep......-BAM- I heard a loud thud followed by talking and laughing downstairs, I wanted to go but I was too tired to get up and I eventually fell asleep to the noise.


Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing amazing, make sure you eat, it can be small or big or anything between and make sure to hydrate :)

so my views have gone done :( but it's okay :), this was fun and exciting and I'm glad if you are still reading :)

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