Chapter 27 (The Other Half)

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(Jisoo's POV)


I let out a sigh and re-read the message I sent to Yams

Rosie: Hey, sorry I am responding late, something came up and it's very good news :D Soooo, I JUST GOT APPROVED TO COME BACK TO SEOUL AHH. My agency is letting me go home for a while since I haven't had a break where I could relax. They have booked my tickets and I should be arriving on Friday aka...TOMORROW AROUND 5 PM :)

"Hey Jisoo, you are up in a bit, the other models are almost done," One of the workers told me. I look at my phone one last time... I *Seen*.....He saw it but he isn't responding? They must be upset...

I put my phone down and walk up in front of the camera and start to do some modelling poses.


I left In-Yeop heartbroken and I couldn't help but cry, it was 3 in the morning when I decided that leaving now would be a good time. I start to pack all my clothing and personal belongings into my suitcase. I walked out the door and gave a small wave to the house and began to walk.

Everything happened too quickly...I was in Japan now and I already miss everyone. I left In-Yeop to deal with Yams and Jin cause I couldn't tell them. I miss them but I need time by myself and figure what I want to do, I cant constantly depend on everyone else. "This is the right thing" I kept repeating over and over inside my head as I entered where I was now staying, a small house in Japan with a roommate.

*end of flashback*

Luckily my Photoshoot ended early since I haven't packed my stuff yet, I must have checked my phone a lot causing my roommate Ni-Ki to notice "Hey you okay?" he asked as he made it over to my side where I was folding my sweaters "Yeah I'm okay, why?" he looked at me and sat beside me starting to help me fold "You keep checking your phone? is everything okay?" he asked as he went to grab another of my sweaters "oh- oh yeah, it's just that I told my brother and one of my best friends that I was coming back and they uhh-well they-" "left you on seen?" I look up and slightly nod with a slightly sad tone "Yeah". Ni-Ki is an amazing friend and roommate, he helped me a lot when I came to Japan, at first I just tried to ignore him but we eventually became friends, he knows about what happened in Seoul with In-Yeop and how it was like for me there, I never told him about my dad or anything like what I told In-Yeop but either way, Ni-Ki always listened and he was like a therapist but a really good one.


"GET OFF ME" I screamed and yelled multiple times hoping he would but instead he yelled back telling me to "SHUT UP" and whipped a hard slap to my face with his hand. "Hy-Hyun s-s-suk," I said while crying, he was a friend of Ni-Ki and he was very abusive...he became my boyfriend when I came to Japan after a while...

*End of Flashback*

Ni-Ki and I finished packing my suitcase and we went to the living room to just hang out, we were finished and we both had nothing else to do for the rest of the day so we just chatted, "are you nervous?" Ni-Ki asked as I took a sip of the cola I was drinking "A little... I left without them knowing and it been over a month since I have seen them so a little" I replied with a small smile "what about In-Yeop? you like him, don't you? What if he moved on? A month is a long time" He wasn't wrong "I can't stay with him forever plus it would be good if he moved off from me, I am not that great" I answered back and slightly rubbed my eyes, I was tired so I laid my head on Ni-ki's lap "I don't think that's right" Ni-Ki's voice said a little suborn "what do you mean" I asked closing my eyes, "Well, I think that you both aren't done, he helped you and you both had a feeling for each other so I'm sure it's still gonna be there but if you think it's for the best then no one is stopping you, do what you need and want, just know that getting hurt along the way doesn't mean anything bad, don't let what happened with Hyunsuk and you again okay" he finished and patted my head as I slowly drift into sleep.


I hope everyone is doing great, you ate and drank water and got all the nutrients you need :)

I feel a little stressed but I am doing alright, I haven't listened to music for about weeks (or days, either way, it's been long)  and I'm listening to my playlist while writing this and it's pretty relaxing. I am on a hunt for my comfort song, covid is really getting me stressed and it doesn't feel the same way as it did before so now I am looking for a comfort song that can help me relax and just make me a bit happier. If you have any suggestions please let me know :)

anyways I got to go and study for a French test :) bye

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