Chapter 7 (Jisoo's Rules)

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~Jisoo's POV~

I decided to go upstairs and rest, I have a tiring day tomorrow and having the attention on me is the last thing I want.

I took a shower and changed into some pyjamas and laid on my bed...

After a while of thinking of what just happened, I put on my Airpods and turned on my Spotify playlist and fell asleep pretty fast...

(A/N: I have a playlist named "soft🌸" by the user "_.neera._" I had made it myself and I love it, it's very calm and easy to sleep too well for me. )

~In-Yeop's POV~

Yams handed me the sheet first, "It is a contract she signed from Jin and I" Yams starts "Jn and I got her to sign it when she was 15" Yams looks at JIn "she has some mental issues like PTSD, depression and anxiety, so we made this contract to keep her in the right path, for her having rules and instructions are much easier than having to choose for herself", "she cant, date, drink, smoke/vape to any attempt to kill herself, but she can do modelling and other jobs also go to school for anytime" Jin explains.

"What caused these mental issues?" G-Young asked with worry, "I don't think she would feel comfortable if you guys knew" I respond trying to protect Jisoo, I could see Jin and Yams have a small smile plastered on their faces.

After we chatted for a while Jin being the worried "father" figure he is, insisted we stay for the night since it was dark outside and we were pretty tired.

They gave each of us a guest room and some clothing, "DAMN the rooms are so big and nice" I say with shock, "Her house must cost a lot if every guest room is an actual master bedroom, I wonder how Jisoos room looks then?" Ga-Young expresses, "her room is down the hall if Mr.Lover boy and you guys would like to see," Yams said as he pointed in the direction of her room.

we entered her room and were amazed at how big and decorated it was, there were pictures of her, Jin and Yams, there were Albums of kpop, Cameras, Textbooks, some fairy lights, a desk with many things, a balcony and some photos above her bed and not to mention a big washroom and a walk-in closet. "she is sleeping so be quiet" Jin says as he puts a glass of water on a bedside table. The others left as I was now the only one in her room, I walk over to her bed and start tucking her in...."cute", she was sleeping so peacefully and so unbothered, god I wonder how much pressure and stress she is in.

~The Next Morning~

I woke up from the comfy bed in Jisoos house, I had the best sleep I had ever had for a couple of weeks. I took a shower and came downstairs to the kitchen, "where is Jisoo?" I ask Yams who is eating his breakfast, "oh, she has a photoshoot and she's meeting up with one of her friends, he's in the kpop group WEi, Kim Yo-han before she left she made some breakfast" he said giving me a plate of mouth-watering food. "she really is talented" I say taking a bite of my breakfast "yeah she is, uhm.." Jin starts stuttering "what is it?" I asked "well...her dad is coming back, and uh, it might be rough for her" he looks aways a little scared, "if you need me to stay with her or anything I am willing to do it for her and you guys," I say standing up, "thank you LB (lover boy) we will ask you when we need to" Jin smiles, a little embarrassed I look away "shes too young, I can't date her".

~Back to set on a monday~

~Ga-Young's POV~

Eun-Woo, In-Yeop and I decided to walk to set, I wanted to discuss what had happened on Friday. we were walking side by side as I started the conversation, "So what do you guys wanna do after set, wanna eat?" "Why didn't we invite Jisoo, its the last thing we could do after she let us stay at her place?" In-Yeop questioned, "Its u-uhm i-its...." I studdered "Well what?" In-Yeop asked in an annoyed voice "It's just a little uncomfortable, she has mental issues and she never told us, and we don't even know what it caused by, we should just give her some time apart" I try to explain, as I said it I noticed how rude I sounded as my voice started to quietly fade and I look down then back at In-Yeop "what's different?" he asked while she stopped walking and so did Eun-Woo and me, "You don't have any idea of her, she's been through enough already so don't shut her out" In-Yeop said in a stern voice as he walked on set (they have arrived by now). why would I say that, I know he likes her geez I look up at In-Yeop who I overhear him asking another person there "where is Jisoo?" "Oh she's in the hospital, something about her dad?" the manager responded, throughout the time we were on set I watched at In-Yeop kept checking the time, by the time the practice finished I saw him run past Eun-Woo and me into his car and drives away, "he must be worried for Jisoo, we should visit her," I say looking at Eun-Woo, "let's go when she comes back to practice, In-Yeop knows more then us so its best if we give them some time," Eun-Woo says with and an insuring smile and as he patted my back and left.


I hope you guys listened to the playlist, I use it to sleep and as a calm down and a night drive mood type playlist, I am thinking of making a new book on Han Jisung from Stray Kids, and Jungkook from BTS.

I had the best sleep I have had in days ever since my online school started and it was soo good I decided to write it in this chapter :)

I am working on the other chapters so I could finish this and do some other books, if you have a recommendation or a request please do tell, and don't worry this book is not ending just yet.



Update: a day later

I hope you guys are doing well at school (if you are In school) don't stay up late and make sure you get your nutritions and you have fun, eat what you want because it's food :) finish your homework, be active and try to stay off screen for a while :) BYEE

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