Chapter 24 (Special Place)

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(In-Yeop POV)

"so, how was the date," Jin and Yams said in a suspicious voice, they both were smirking and Yams kept elbowing my stomach "Okay Okay" they both stared at me waiting for me to spill "i-it was good, the girl Eva was actually decent and..." they both started jumping around and I was blushing "OOooOo YOU LIKE HERRR" they were acting like kids...I rolled my eyes....but they weren't wrong. "TELL US EVERYTHING LIKE EVERY DETAIL EVER," Yams said as he sat in front of me "Well..we are going to meet up again tomorrow actually," I said as I stuffed my face in a pillow trying to hide my crimson coloured face (a/n crimson is a shade of red).

~2 Weeks Later~

In-Yeop: Hey I found a place we can hang out!

Eva: Great! send me the location

Eva and I became close and I really like her, she's fun to be around and it's like a new amazing day every day with; her, she makes me want to wake up every day early as ever to just talk to her. She listens to everything I say and I listen to hers and some days when I am with her my stomach gets the feeling of butterflies flying everywhere...should I ask her out? maybe she doesn't see me the same? but we did meet through a dating site so she's obviously single? Nah


(Eva's POV)

So In-Yeop and I are getting close but he hadn't made a move yet, today is our 6th date and I want it to be special so I am going to bring him to a special place.

Eva: Hey I wanna bring you somewhere

In-Yeop: Yeah sure, where?

Eva: It's a Secret

In-Yeop: oOoOoO so we keeping secrets now

Eva: Haha, I will pick you up this time :)

In-Yeop: Okay sure, I am free at 5 pm

Eva: Okay I will pick you up then


I drove up to where Hwang In-Yeop was staying and honked the horn, he had told me he was staying with his friends since he liked having company. Whoever his friend is must be rich, this house is no joke, I wonder what it looks in the ins- "Hey Eva" my thought was interrupted by smiling In-Yeop "Hey, come on in" I said as I clicked the button to unlock the door.

I was driving for about an hour and every 5 minutes he would ask "Are we there yet" He was like a little kid in a hot and famous male body, after we finished listening to BTS's new album BE, we arrived "Here we are" I said as I turned to him, his eyes seemed tired and he seemed half asleep but once he opened his eyes and looked at where we were his eyes became big and stared at it for a while "T-T-This is the p-place?" he asked as he turned to me with a small sad and upset face, I don't know what I did wrong but I know that something did happen here and he was part of it...But what?

(In-Yeop POV)

I opened my eyes tired and as soon as I realized where we were memories came flowing in, this is where Jisoo and I last saw each other. Shocked I turned to Eva and asked if this was the place, she looked confused and worried and I realized I had to calm down, I looked down at my seat...Jisoo isn't here anymore, she left us and she left me, I have to get over her...I look back over at Eva and gave her a reassuring smile "Nothing, it just looks you" I lied, she did look great but I didn't want to be here with a new date, this was all too much, I just have to get through the date and I will be fine


hey guys, i hope everybody is doing great :) make sure to eat something with nutrients and drink water.

i am doing well...i think. The song "My Pace" by Stray Kids is just repeating in my head and keeping me check, i think its a great song and as a student still having many more years left, I find the song is really inspiring and motivational especially after I saw the translation

"Though I don't want to admit it

I just naturally see others around me
Going ahead doesn't mean you're going to get there first, baby
Look at it from afar, take your time

There's no need to rush, my pace
Don't compare yourself with others
It's okay to run slower
Just follow my lane, my lane
Take it easy
Just look ahead and run
You ready, let's go"

the whole thing is amazing and I hope this can help you like it does me :D

Quotes for today:

"Have Strength, Just endure a little more " Song: Grow up, By: Stray Kids


"Life Is A Masterpiece" Song: Double Knot, By Stray Kids


"In The End They'll Judge Me Anyways So Whatever" -Min Yoongi (Suga-BTS)



ily <3

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