Chapter 23 (The Date)

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(In-yeop POV)
I got to the restaurant where my match on per-match and I agreed to meet.
Her profile has not seemed sketchy, her profile said: she is a 27-year-old woman who is starting an acting career, she's single and from the messages, we sent to each other she seemed pretty cool and entertaining.

I took a seat at table 13 and scrolled through my phone waiting, "ma'am here is table 13" I heard the waitress say, I turn to see a very pretty lady, she had long brown hair and wore a very pretty dress...

"Hi, you must be Hwang In-Yeop" "y-yeah" shit I stuttered "well hello, my name is Eva, nice to meet you," she said as she smiled and took a seat in front of me "nice to meet you too, you look amazing by the way" I blushed at the sight of her, she ...

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"Hi, you must be Hwang In-Yeop" "y-yeah" shit I stuttered "well hello, my name is Eva, nice to meet you," she said as she smiled and took a seat in front of me "nice to meet you too, you look amazing by the way" I blushed at the sight of her, she turned to the side and I could tell she was too "you look great yourself".

Eva and I chatted for about an hour or two, she was a really easy person to talk to and she wasn't like the others, she was kind and more gentle...I think I may like her.

(Eva's POV)

I met a really cute guy named Hwang In-Yeop, when you look at him he doesn't even seem his age. we chatted for about an hour at the restaurant then made our way out. It was late at night so we both had something important in the morning so he walked me home, we exchanged our numbers and just like that the date was done.

I hope I get to see more of him, he is really nice and amazing. He is apparently some hotshot actor "UGHhh, that means everybody would want him" I whined as I rolled side to side on my bed. I had an idea to check out his show- wait but how? I took out my laptop and started typing "Hwang In-Yeop" and when I tell you my jaw dropped I mean IT DROPPED. HOW COULD SOMEONE THIS HOT AND FAMOUS BE INTERESTED IN SOMEONE LIKE ME.

i started to look through his "Movies and T.V Shows" there wasn't much but he does have a lot of fame and fans. I then found I show I thought was interesting "true beauty" I hummed, "Episode one here we go" and just like that, I started to watch it.

~Hours later~

"Wow, In-Yeop looks A M A Z I N G in this" I praised "Too bad they made his second lead, oh and not to mention the so many second-hand embarrassments."I cringed as I reminded myself. I checked the time and it was "6 AM WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING...well worth it" I set aside my laptop and went to bed.

something about him I like, I could fall asleep because of the butterflies dancing in my stomach...he was the last thing I thought of before I fell asleep....


oooo you know what they say about the last person you think of before you fall asleep *smirks*

I hope everybody is doing great, eating and drinking water and also doing the work that needs to be done :)

I have 1 minute before my class starts to BYE

update: I forgot to publish it -_-

Just me or do you just smell the love triangle coming along ~(˘▾˘~)

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