Chapter 29 (Reunion)

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(In-Yeop's POV)

"YEAH AND THEN SHE FELL TOO" Yams was explaining some funny accident that had happened at his workplace. Jin, Yams and I ran into each other at the cafe and it turns out that I wasn't the only one who thought that they forgot something, anyways we all three got in my car and came home. We bought some take-out before coming home so we came back at around 7:20 ish.

We walked into the house and Yams went to put the Take-out bag on the kitchen counter while Jin and I made our way over to the living room area and tried to pick a movie we could watch, "BUT THIS ONE IS FUNNY" "THIS IS A CLASSIC THOUGH" we were debating "HEY GUYS!" Yams called over from the kitchen causing me and Jin to stop talking and turn around, he was holing up a phone "Is this either of yours?" he asked and sat and the kitchen counter "Uhm no, turn it on maybe the notifications have something?" Jin answers in a confusing way, this phone was not either of ours and- "From Ni-Ki to....J-J-Ji-JISOO" Yams practically yelled as he looked up from the phone, we were all staring at each other with our jaws on the ground and our eyes wider then any owl...slowly we turn to the staircase and got up from our seats, Yams ran up the stairs and dashed into Jisoo's room and Jin and I followed

(Jisoo's POV)

I heard a loud door open causing me to flinch, then somebody turned on the lights almost blinding me, I turn away from the light digging my face between my pillows. "JISOO?" I heard a familiar voice call, it was very familiar but who was it? I wanted to open my eyes but I was too tired so I just stayed still in the position I was in, soon after I heard 2 other footsteps follow after the first. I slowly got up from my bed and sat on it and forced open my eyes, I rubbed it a bit and- "Jisoo?" another voice said but more gently, I liked the voice it was comforting. I fully open my eyes and saw Yams, Jin and In-Yeop all standing around my bed looking at me "hi.." I said quietly......"OH HI" I said as I slowly realized, I got up from the bed and smiled....they just looked at me, they didn't seem happy.


I sat on the couch and took my phone from Yams, In-Yeop was on the other end of the couch while Yams and Jin were both making calls to Eun-woo and Ga-Young. In-Yeop didn't look at me but instead kept his eyes on his phone, he looked like he was texting someone special since he did smile a bit while typing.

*Ga-young and Eun-woo arrive*

Ga-Young opened the door and rushed over beside me and gave me a big hug "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" she expressed. Now they were all surrounding me, giving me space but just in a circle....looking at me..."if you have something to ask or say then you can speak" I say breaking the silence, "Why did you leave?" Yams asked with a stubborn way and a harsh tone, he was definitely mad at me "I have my own reasons", "what were they? what made it good enough for you to leave us?" he replied very quickly "Well, I talked to dad and what he said was...right, I can't depend on you guys plus I still have a future too" I said looking up at him and crossing my legs. They all asked a question one by one except In-Yeop, "What did you do there?" Eun-Woo asked "I did modelling and one of my friends there and I went to really cool places every day, it was fun" I remembered all the fun exciting places I went to, "Did you miss us?" Yams asked "Yeah, of course, I did" I answered, I didn't mean to hurt him or Jin or anyone, in fact, Yams just stared at me coldly, it felt like there was a question they wanted to ask me but also didn't want to "Who's the Ni-Ki guy messaging you," Ga-young asked as she noticed my phone that was placed on the counter lighting up over and over again, I got up and walked to the counter, it was Ni-Ki and he was just sending me a bunch of memes and asking me how things are, I smiled a bit "Oh uh, it's my roommate from the house I was living in" as soon as I said "Roommate" it seemed to get In-Yeop's attention as he shoots his face up and looked at me.

"WHOOOO" "BOY OR GIRL" "CAN I MEET THEM" "ARE THEY ALSO HERE" Ga-young was asking a butt load of questions, "Woah, Woah calm down, he's a boy and we are just friends-" "WAS HE THE GUY YOU WENT TO PLACES WITH?" she was overexcited, I looked around and stayed quiet and gave a small smile "I KNEW IT-" "I'm tired, I'm gonna go and sleep," I say and began walking up the stairs and into my room.

(In-Yeop's POV)

"something is different about her" "It's like before" "what happened?" Yams and Jin were discussing worried, they weren't wrong, something was off about her but I just don't know what, why did I feel so awful when she mentioned her roommate Ni-Ki...I let out a huge sigh and went up the stairs and into my room. Why am I feeling like this? -DING- My phone got a message, it was Eva

Eva: Hey, I'm free tomorrow and I wanna come to your place :D are you free?

I didn't know why but I wanted to let Jisoo know that I have moved on......

In-Yeop: Yeah sure, I'm free so come by anytime :)


ahhh, I finished my french test :/

I hope everyone is doing A M A Z  I N G because you are amazing and what you deserve is something the whole universe cant make cause you are too WORTHYYYY.

I don't have much to say....still haven't found my comfort song :(

Notice how "in-Yeop" calls Jisoo's house "Home" :3

Anyways I hope everyone is doing great and are just amazing :)

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