Chapter 32 (Accepting)

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(In-Yeop POV)

"It's about Jisoo, I actually use to like her....more than a friend," I said looking at her and holding her hands, "w-what do you mean?" She looks at her hands then back at me, "I liked her before and then she said she liked me too but then she left me and went to Japan she's b-back" I try to explain "do you her?" Her question took me a while to process "n-no cause I am with you now" I reassure her "Then why are you telling me this?" I stayed quiet for a bit then opened my mouth "I-i don't k-know" I stuttered and looked down at our hands. She looked at me, I could feel it, her eyes were red

"We should break up"

I looked at her in silence and I felt tears go down my eyes "why does this feel so familiar" I thought to myself and that's when I realized, it was just how Jisoo left, it felt the same and hit as hard as hers but slightly softer.

"I know this is for both of our best, I know you still like her, the way you act around her and how you look at her, it would be better if we ended it and early" Eva explained and hugged me and wiped her tears "She's my friend and I know I did something bad to her so I don't want to make the same mistake and made another bad decision" She smiled at me and I smiled back, she wasn't wrong, in fact, she helped me realize that she was right, maybe my feelings are still there for her and I just kept ignoring it. "I know how she is and she will say she is fine when she isn't" I looked at Eva and she didn't seems very upset?

(Eva's POV)

*sigh* I know I made terrible choices when I was Jisoo's friend back then, she helped me so much and she is so selfless...


"SUCH A LOSER" "WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?" I was watching as my new friends were abusing Jisoo, "COME ON EVA DONT U HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY?" I looked at them then back at Jisoo was now on the ground, she was hurt and tears were falling on her face, I look away, I took a deep breath and looked back at her "you don't belong here, go back to your psycho hospital, you know the one for crazy people" I let out a sigh and looked around at my friends "come on girls lets go". I left Jisoo with a bleeding forehead and a beaten lip.

-End Of Flashback-

I was a terrible friend and I have felt guilty since then, he sure does admire her and adore her, he should be the one with her. "I have to tell you something actually" I looked up at In-Yeop and met his eyes, he nodded letting me continue "I actually knew you guys use to date..." he looked confused "what do you mean?" I took a deep breath "I saw you guys at the arcade and the restaurants and I-i want following you guy-y-s I s-swear-" he cut me off with a hug "it's okay, we had our time, its the best for the both for us" we looked at each other "friends" we both agreed.

I wasn't upset, he was a good guy but I know this is the best and he's just not the one, it's okay, it happens. I just got to accept it.

(Jisoo's POV)

Yams and Jin were getting us to me being back and it wasn't as awkward as it was before, "I am gonna go and sleep, I have a photoshoot tomorrow" I said as I had gotten up and simultaneously Eva and In-Yeop came back in the room and Yams hugged me "I'm glad you are back, I missed you" I hugged him back and gave him a small kiss on his forehead "I'm staying don't worry" I told him to reassure him.

I walked up the stairs and into my room, I did my routine and fell on my bed -KNOCK-KNOCK- "come in" I say at the person behind the door. Jin walked in and sat beside me on my bed "hey" he awkwardly says looking over at me "hi?" I greet back him.


I feel happy, that's nice.

I hope everyone is also happy and is enjoying everything, make sure you eat and drink water, go eat a snack or eat your dinner/lunch/breakfast

stay gold :)

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