Chapter 21 (Feelings)

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(Jisoo's POV)

After a while, In-Yeop and I arrived at the place I wanted to show him

I brought him to a Big flat clear area of grass, I put down a towel and we both laid down "Do you like it?" I asked, he turns his head to me looking away from the sky "Yeah...I love it, U-um if you don't mind me asking...why are we here?" In-Yeop asked, I looked straight back up at the dark sky full of stars "I wanna tell you something..." I could feel his eyes looking at me confused "what is it?".

Backflash from in the car

'Today is the day I will tell him about how I feel' I thought and turned towards In-Yeop, I looked at him and looked back out the window 'the butterflies and ....Japan" I thought as I rested my eyes

End of backlash

"Well...Ever since we met every day with you is very exciting and fun, you helped me a lot with my trama, life and my feelings..." I started, I looked over to him making eye contact "Every time I am with you I have this sensation in my stomach, at first I thought I was sick or just hungry but soon it started to feel more like...Butterflies?" I sweetly smiled at him "You are amazing for what you have done for me...I want to say I like you as in...more than friends-" I was cut off "Then what is stopping you?" In-Yeop asked with a worried look, I don't wanna hurt his feelings and I don't want to hurt mine "Thank you for helping me... I want to stay with you and the others forever but... it's gonna be a challenge, I graduated and faced all my problems but" I looked back up at the sky and took a deep breath "I need to know what I want" I looked back over to him "I am going to Japan for a while to figure things out".

He stared at me with wide eyes for a while in shock then he immediately got up and looked down at me "YOUR WHAT" he looked like he was scared and was gonna cry "WHY? YOU COULD JUST LIVE HERE WITH US?" "IS IT BECAUSE OF ME?" he asked a bunch of questions and kept blaming himself, I hurt me to see him like this, I got up and took his hand "It's not because of you, I just need some time with myself, I am not leaving forever, I will come back?" I said. after a while of just looking at each other in silence I grabbed my stuff, kissed his cheek and said bye with a small smile, I couldn't say there any longer, he wasn't saying anything and he just looked like he was about to cry and I really can't handle having to hurt hurts me too.


so my view count has dropped incredibly low...I am gone assume it is because True beauty has finished... for those who are still reading thank you so much and I hope you are still enjoying this book, I wrote down some ideas for the next few chapters and it may end soon...

I hope everyone is smiling, eating, staying hydrated, doing their work and something physical and things to help mentally.

I hope everyone is supporting each other and have somebody to talk to when they are down, I know my friend has been amazing and patient towards me, I am not somebody who talks about my feelings since ii have trust issues and every time I can't handle it I would text this one friends and they would just reply when they see it and tell me so many things and reasons I honestly feel grateful they are there for me :)

The covid-19 is exhausting and can get to us at times mentally too so you must have somebody to talk to and depend on :)

No quotes for today :(

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