Chapter 12 (Badass Mode)

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~Jisoo's POV~

It was now New Years' Eve, my birthday was the most fun I have had in years and I am extremely grateful to have met In-Yeop, but I haven't told anyone about the day after my birthday, December 26 2019 I received a message from...My dad.

Dad: Meet me at the playground near your set you know what I'm talking about, I have something important to tell you and it would be better to tell you face to face.

It was very early in the morning when I had received this message, it was around 3 AM when everyone was still asleep from my birthday movie night so I decided to just meet him and hear him out and I will bring the pepper spray yams gave me...Time to activate.....BADASS MODE...


I arrived at the playground and instantly saw a tall male in the shadows, it was like a vampire movie, I was scared the man would come out and tell me he was Damon from some vampire tv show. "Jisoo?" the man asked, it was pretty dark so I turned on my phone flashlight and there he was..the famous MR.SOUR PATCH. "Hey Dad," I said while looking down trying to not make uncomfortable eye contact, "I have to go in a bit so look... I got re-married and I have a beautiful daughter, she is definitely something you failed to be..." I was in shock, he has a what- a w-wife and I have an s-s-sister? My eyes widen as I look at him in fear, He, on the other hand, was looking at me with a smirk as he kept bragging about how amazing his new daughter was, "Look, I don't mean to be rude but...I have an amazing brother, an amazing best friend, 3 new friends and I keep having this feeling in my stomach and my face turns red when I'm around a certain guy...You always talk about how I am a terrible daughter but have you ever thought about how horrible of a dad you are? Like I don't care if you wanted me to leave cause I would literally leave you for free-" he cut me off "EXCUSE-" "NO YOU LESIN I AM TALKING AND THIS TIME IT IS MY TURN" i said as he quickly stopped and let me talk, "okay...I am doing great and I am having fun and I even smile and laugh cause IM FUCKING AMAZING, my birthday was amazing and I don't need you or mom brining me down so this time I AM leaving YOU, now go have fun with your new family and I will go back to my family" my final words to my dad as I turn with a smile and walk away leaving him in shock. I am not a rude person and I can't handle the stress he was putting on me, Badass mode right *High-fives herself*

*End of flashback*


HELLO EVERYONE, I hope you guys are doing alright, I hope you guys have eaten something or drunk water and if not please do so now. Sorry it was short, but I will upload more chapters :)

I'm not sure why I added this part to the story but Jisoo needed to prove herself to her dad and cause we love a Badass girl. This one time my classmate got really angry at another student and just left for a bit (they came back) and my teacher is the amazing person they are just said "that is what I call human" "people have limits" and I honestly respect this teacher, they never got mad at the student and instead said that the student was a human who was reacting because they have reached their patience tolerance. People lash out and it honestly the best thing, why? well its because it's then that they are telling the truth and being honest, it's normal so don't think being angry and yelling or just being impatient or any emotion is bad cause it just makes you more human :3

RANDOM NOTE: I published a new fanfiction on Jeon Jungkook if you wanna check it out :3

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