Chapter 22 (New routine)

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(In-Yeop POV)

It's been a week since Jisoo has left...She hadn't told Yams, Jin or anybody else so it was hard for me to tell them where she was the next morning.






I read all the messages Yams and Jin had sent, I have to tell them...."Excuse me but could you cancel my plans for this afternoon? I have somewhere to be" I informed my assistant. I was in the middle of a photoshoot when I got all these messages, I took a deep breath and clicked sent

In-Yeop: I know where she is, ill meet you in a bit


~4:00 Pm~

I made it over to Jisoo's place and knocked on the door, almost imminently I saw Yams open the door and drag me inside "WHERE IS SHE??" "WHERE DID SHE GO?" "WHY DIDNT SHE TELL US?" the whole crew was there, I looked down as I wasn't able to look at their worried faces...Why did she not tell them? why do I have to tell them? why did she leave?. Many thoughts were popping up in my head as they all stared at me, I could feel their eyes, I was about to speak when suddenly Jin grabbed my arm and dragged up up the stairs and into Jisoo's room "Tell us where she is?".

~4:30 Pm~

"then she left.." I told them everything that happened that night, I looked up and saw them with a shocked face and some with a sad and terrified expression "Why didn't she tell us?" Eun-Woo asked me as he walked closer "I-I don't know" I responded, "common guys lets go down and have a drink, this is too much to possess" Jin said as he grabbed Yam's hand and headed downstairs, Yams looked upset, he really cares for her and I feel bad she hadn't told her nor her brother.

~5:00 Pm~

After a while of drinking and watching some t.v, we all processed what had happened "So she kissed you eh?" Yams said as he tried to lighten up the mood, I was embarrassed and tried to cover my red face with a pillow "N-no only my c-cheek" "OOoOOo, Lemme see that tomato face of yours" he said as he pulled the pillow away. at this point, we were all talking and tried to make each other laugh "What are we going to do now?" I asked "well, we go on with our lives" I looked at Jin confused, "she said she will come back right? we just got to wait for her... what are you going to do?" he asked me "I am gonna try and move on, she might find somebody there anyways," I said as I lay on the couch, after a moment of complete silence we all slowly drifted to sleep.

~End of Flashback (a week later)~

"Hey, you're going on that date later right," Jin asked as we grabbed the coffee we had ordered "yep, I think I am ready to move on" I answered, "okay great cause I think I got a perfect suit for you"....

After Jisoo left, the whole crew became more closer hoping not to break apart, it was different without Jisoo but I cant wait for her forever...can I?

"what do you think Jisoo is doing right now?" I asked Jin as we headed into the house, "she is probably out with some guy" he laughed as he responded.

~2 weeks since Jisoo had left~

I don't think about Jisoo as much but she does wander in my head at times, I do miss her but I have no clue when she would come back, it could be next year for all I know.

So far I have gone on 1 date and I did not like it, the girl was rude and disrespectful to the waiters, she kept calling me "Han Seojun" as in the character I played on True Beauty. Yams had me download an app called "Per-Match" it was a dating site and in less than 2 hours I had gotten 28 messages, most of them were people asking me if I was the actual actor of Han Seojun, others were sending hate messages thinking I was a fake, some thought I was real but brought up my acting and my fame. There was not anyone who saw me for who I am but instead of who I played.

Today is my second date since Jisoo had left and I am hoping I won't be catfished and the person was at least decent.


I am sorry I have been updating as much but don't worry I haven't forgotten about this, I try my best to update at least 2-3 times a week or more (if I have time) since when I read a book and I have to wait a week I end up forgetting about it and long interest.

My week was hell and I am trying my best to mentally deal with it even though I feel like shit, does anyone have a coping mechanism for stress? if so please comment on them cause I don't have any and I don't know how I am supposed to calm myself, coming from me it sounds strange but I have my share of problems.

I hope you all have eaten something, small or big (enough to fill you), drank water today to hydrate and took some time off your device, I hope you all are doing better than I am and are enjoying your time, make the best out of everything no matter how hard or difficult it can be. Try something new!

If you need anything and want to talk to someone, you can talk/message me any time :)

Quotes Time (Lyrics Edition) :

(i know I put a lot of bts but they helped me with songs so I am hoping they will help you)


What am I doin' with my life,

This moment won't ever come again,

I'm asking myself again, am I happy right now?

The answer is already there, I'm happy

-Song: The Most Beautiful Moment in life By: BTS


Nothing lasts forever

You only live once

So live your life, not any other's lives

Take chances and never regret, never

Never be late to do what you wanna do right now

Because at one point of someday

Everything you did

Would be exactly what you will be


- Song: O!RUL8,2? By: BTS


Whatever it is, Trust YOUR choice and just follow it -Song: Mixtape#4 By:Stray Kids


Hey, look at the past Take your time

My pace as it is now

My way as it is

It doesn't matter if it's slow

My lane at my own will

Don't panic

-Song: My Pace By: Stray Kids


Being Different is what makes you more human and more worthy -By your Author :)

Baii :)

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