Chapter 17 (Birthday Boy)

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~In-Yeop POV~
I woke up at 7:00 am and took a shower and changed my clothes, Today is January 19, 2021, It is also MY BIRTHDAY 🎂

I got dressed and made sure I looked good, I told Yams, Jisoo and Jin that I liked somebody and I'm not sure how Jisoo feels about it, I put on a jacket and drove to Jisoos house. She said she wanted to hang out.

I arrived at Jisoos house and I was greeted by 2 party poppers as I walked in "HAPPU BIRTDAYY" they both yelled and jumped around "COME ON, DID YOU HAVE BREAKFAST YET?" Yams asked as he pushed me over to a table with food on it, I looked around to make sure I was not seeing things "u-uh where is Jisoo?" I asked ad I was still looking left and right "She just woke up, she is in the shower" Jin reply "trying to make a move today," Yams said as he was poking my shoulder with his elbow and having a smug face, I blush a bit and ask if I could head ups and wait for her, they agreed so I made it up the stairs and into her room,

I look around her room while I was sitting on her bed and then I noticed a picture, I stand up and head over to the picture wall, there was a picture of me, a picture of me and Jisoo, I look at the photo and blush a bit with a small smile growing, "Happy birthday" I heard a voice say, I turn around to see Jisoo smiling. Jisoo was wearing a beautiful dress.....

She noticed I was staring and started waving her hand in front of my face "Hellooooo", "Oh sorry, thank you for the wish

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She noticed I was staring and started waving her hand in front of my face "Hellooooo", "Oh sorry, thank you for the wish....also didn't you say you wanted to hang out?" I ask in a nice formal manner "hey no need to be formal, let's go" Jisoo said as she tugged my jacket. We both went downstairs "so are we going now?" Jin asked as he grabbed his jacket "Yeah let's go" Jisoo answered with a small jump, I don't think she realized but she was holding my hand. we entered the car and Jisoo and I sat in the back "here I'm going to put a blindfold on you, okay?" She said and carefully her scarf around my eyes, I didn't mind the scent, it smelt like vanilla, it was somehow comforting.


* Let's say it is now 7:00 PM*

"WE ARE HERE" I heard Jisoo scream, she helped me get out of the car and I put my arm around her shoulder as she held my waist, I was trying my hardest to stop my self from turning red. I felt her leading me somewhere "a-are you k-kidnapping me?!?" I ask a bit scared and jokingly, I heard her let out a small laugh "hehe, don't worry I am not a secret mafia".

She stopped walking making me stop including the many footsteps behind me, then the people around me started suffering around me "3..2..1" I heard people whisper.

I felt somebody take off the scarf and I look down to give time for my eyes to adjust to everything "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" I heard many people say, I look up and see Ga-young, Eun-Woo, Yams and Jin standing in front of me. We were in a dark place but I also saw some lights flashing on them, I turn around to see- "we are at a carnival, and it the best and prettiest one" I look straight, it was Jisoo, she was standing there in the dark yet flashing lights coming from the carnival, she was holding a cake with candles on it.

She was walking towards me, she was now in front of me "happy birthday In-Yeop" she said softly, I felt my face heat up "OOoOOoOo" I hear the others behind me and I turn to them and make an 'SHHH it's my moment so don't ruin it' kind of face, "blow the candles and make sure to make a wish" Jisoo said and I turn back to her, I close my eyes and I blow out the candles made a wish *I wish The girl I like....likes me back* I open my eyes and give a smile to Jisoo making her smile, her face was a bit red.

"Let's go to the carnivals now Ken and Barbie" Yams teased us "Yeah let's go," Jisoo said as he grabbed my jacket and started running towards the entrance. Eun-Woo paid for our tickets and we headed inside, it smelt like Popcorn and Cotton Candy.

we were walking through the crowds when suddenly Jisoo fell down, I lower myself and asked: "Hey, are you okay? what happe-" I was cut off by somebody "HEY WATCH IT YOU DIRTY FEMALE" I looked up and saw a guy who seemed to be in his mid-30's "HEY, watch your tone," I said as I got up and walked towards the guy "ooh so you got a boyfriend huh Jisoo," The guy said in a confident annoying voice "You know him?" I asked as I carefully helped Jisoo back up on her feet "uh n-no" she replied, "Take a close her Ji" The guy said as he went closer to Jisoo "K-KYLE" she said in shock.......


remember kyle? if you don't, he was mentioned in Chapter 10 (Birthday Reality),

How was your day? I hope everyone is doing great, doing your homework, eating, having fun and getting Hydrated.

I bought some albums and it is arriving tomorrow :3

I hope you are all doing well and being the happiest you can cause that to me is what makes life more valuable than money :)

"If you want to love others, I think you should love yourself first."-Kim NamJoon

"Don't be trapped in someone else's dream"- Kim Taehyung

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