The Slashers As Yanderes

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This is just some head cannons, I've been thinking of some yandere ideas for another story of mine and began thinking of slashers as yanderes. Obviously, this is going to be really dark since it's about horror slashers being yanderes. Warning: this will include stalking, dark content, drug use, physical abuse, kidnapping, dub/non-con, violence, blood.

Jason Voorhees

-When Jason laid his eyes on you, he knew it was love at first sight. He watched how careful you were around the camp, along with how kind you were around your friends. Your friends were nothing but rude and naughty in the camp.

- He kills everyone except you, taking you to his cabin and forcing you to live there. Jason will try to be gentle, but if you continue to fight him, then he'll be rough with you.

-Chains you up to his bed until he can fully trust you. Usually, when he comes back home he'll offer you gifts. The gifts are either from the forest (Like flowers or special rocks he found and thinks you'll like) or from the teens he killed (Like new books to read or jewellery).

-His punishments aren't bad, at least when there're compared to other slashers. When he catches you escaping (btw, he will always catch you. No matter how hard you hide/escape. He will find you) he'll lock you up in his room for a day or two. Only feeding you once during the punishment.

-All he wants is for you to love and care for him. Once he knows you love him and he can trust you, you'll be given more freedom. But if you use that to try to escape, you will never get that freedom again.

-Jason waits until you want to kiss and/or be intimate. He wouldn't want to force any of that on you because he doesn't want to risk pushing you further away. His mother told him to be gentle with you and not to force you into anything.

-Would like for you to be somewhat of a housewife/husband. Probably have a kid as well if possible. Jason would like for you both to be a happily married couple.

Michael Myers

- Michael saw you walking by the Myers house. He felt something different, a different instinct that isn't telling him to kill you. But to keep you.

- He won't stalk you for long since he'll immediately kidnap you. You will be locked up in his room. You won't be chained up but you're stuck in that one room with no escape. Michael frequently comes in to feed you or to just awkwardly watch you.

-Sometimes giving you gifts; such as a book that is your favourite genre to read or a single flower (a type of flower that's your favourite). A couple of gifts are from your bedroom too. Like if you had a comfort item- like a teddy bear- Michael would sneak into your house and takes it back for you.

-If you attempt to escape or disobey Michael, you'll be severely punished; His punishments are mostly inflicting pain on you. The first time Michael catches you escaping, he pulled you back into his room then laid you face down on the bed. Pulling your pants and underwear down to see your bare ass. He roughly spanks you until your ass goes red. Yet he doesn't finish there. Michael then takes out his knife to slice 4 long, but not deep, cuts onto your ass cheeks.

-Michael thinks of you as nothing more than an object for him. A special toy only for him to use and break mentally and physically.

-If he trusts you enough, Michael will let you move around the house. Having you be like the housewife/husband whilst he's out killing. 

- At night, when Michael comes home early- by early I mean 4 AM- he would go up to his room to check if you're fast asleep. If you are, he will carefully join you in bed and cuddle. This is the only time Michael would be giving gentle affectionate is when you're asleep.

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