A (Somewhat) Sweet Gift

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(The Lost Boys)Star X werewolf reader

Summary: The reader sees Star's becoming weak due to her being unsuccessful in feeding. So you decide to get her some food as a gift. (Guys I've just had this random idea and I wanted to write something out of it. In this Star is a full vampire.) Warning: there's blood mentioned so if you're uncomfortable with that then don't read.

It was nearing 3 AM, Star has been unable to feed off anyone the whole night. Usually, she'd be able to get someone with a click of her fingers. Guess she wasn't so lucky tonight. For the 3rd time. She didn't want to ask for help, especially from the boys. Star doesn't want any of them teasing or babying her. So she stayed strong, pretending to have already gotten her meal and would head home with them. But she couldn't hide anything from you. You could tell when Star wasn't feeling too good. Just from the way she responds to you whenever you would meet; you could tell if she was in a good or bad mood.

"You alright, Star? Something on ya' mind?"

Star puts on a weak smile. "I'm alright." She says, looking over to some of the rides. You raise an eyebrow, doubting her answer. You gentle squeeze her hand, gaining her attention back. From the look in your eyes, she could tell you weren't giving up. Star sighs in defeat, "I've... I haven't eaten in a while. It has been a bit difficult during these past nights."

"Can't the boys help you out? They're not ignoring you, are they? Cause if they are I'll-" Star giggles, your protective nature beginning to show through your tone.

"No sweetheart, I just can't have them teasing me like before. It took me forever until I properly finished the transformation. They were treating me like a baby. It was really embarrassing." She lets out a half-hearted laugh. Small memories of when she had her first kill crawl into her mind. It took a while before she could fully learn how to kill/feed. You only smile in return, as your mind already devises a way to resolve Star's hunger. Your eyes scan the large crowds, searching for any easy pickings. It would need to be quick since you only have around 3 hours until sunrise.

Down by the beach, you notice a man that could potentially be food. He was just walking beside the sea alone. You slowly remove your hand from Stars. She swiftly notices and gives you a questionable look. "I need to get something real quick. I'll meet you back at the cave, ok?" You give a quick peck on her cheek, before jogging away towards the beach. Leaving Star somewhat confused and curious about what you're doing.


Star was waiting for you inside the cave, she had already put Laddie to bed. The boys haven't come back yet, neither have you. It made her worry slightly; the sun will rise soon, so she may be asleep when you finally get back. Which may disappoint you and she doesn't want you to be. It was quiet in the cave for a long period of time, before Star heard the boys bikes in the distance. She watches them enter one after another through the mouth of the cave. Hoping to see that you may have tagged along with them. Star stares at David -who was the last one to come inside-, he could tell what she wants to ask. "You're lil' pup is outside. They've got something for you."

Her face perked in interest. Swiftly, Star stood up and got out of the cave. Ignoring Paul's and Marko's teasing about her being so excited. Once she was out of the cave, her eyes land on a white wolf with its back hunched over. "Y/N!" Star runs toward you -ignoring the pain in her stomach- to hug you. However, she pauses when you turn to face her. She wasn't surprised by the red, which was smeared all around your mouth. She was used to that. What surprised her was when you turned to reveal a body on the ground; a male who seems to be on the verge of death. The man's blood was all over him, making Star crave for blood even more.

"Did you..." She pauses to have a short laugh. "Is this supposed to be a gift? One that wolves offer to their mate or something?" She takes a few steps closer to you and the body.

Your eyes shift to the left before going back to Star. A hint of playfulness in your yellow orbs. In an instant, Star digs her teeth into the man's body to feed off of him. You could tell how thirsty and hungry she was because of how loud her slurps were. Once she pulls away from the now dead man's neck, you briskly move your head under Star's arm. Requesting for some affection. Star giggles and gently strokes your head. Feeling your soft, snow fur running through her fingers. You lay your head on top of her lap, quiet growls leave your mouth. Moments like these were sometimes rare. You usually had to hunt separately, so Star wasn't able to see you that much in your wolf form.

The sun was slowly beginning to rise, Star could see it in the horizon. "Sweetheart, I need to go now." You whimper, nuzzling further into her lap. You didn't want to leave her. Star didn't want to leave you, but she needs to get back inside the cave. She kisses the top of your head, "Come on." You stay put, not letting her get up. Star sighs, "Look, if I let you stay in the cave with me, would you let me get up?" Your head perks up, along with your tail that began to wiggle. The boys may hackle Star for letting you in. They had nothing against you personally, it was your scent they didn't like. Vampires and werewolves don't go together for a reason; they were enemies. Yet you and Star are together. Somehow, Star didn't mind your scent, you didn't mind hers either.

Star smiles at your excitement, standing up with her hand still on your head. "Let's go." She says as you both walk toward the opening of the cave. Star leads you to her nest and lays on top of the bed. When Star pulls a cover over herself, you nuzzle against her side. Curling up into a ball with your limps close against your body. She wraps an arm around your form, "Thank you. For getting me that gift." There was an emphasis on the word gift. You give out a low moan, as your eyes slowly shut. Succumbing to your tiredness. Star continues to stroke your fur, before doing the same as you.

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