Christmas Time!

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Jason Voorhees

Jason will get the biggest tree from the forest so you both can use as many decorations as you can. When it's time to put the star/angel on the top, he'll help you by raising you up to the top. Although he isn't that keen on lights, he'll let you place some around the cabin (as long as they're inside and don't cause too much attention outside). Definitely chops firewood for the two of you. He does enjoy peacefully lounging by a fire beside you. Just cuddling with a huge blanket wrapped around you both. Baking with Jason will be a blast! He mainly likes to decorate the food with different sprinkles, icing etc. Jason will get more excited as it comes closer and closer to Christmas day. Since he couldn't really go out and buy you a gift, he'll either take stuff from his victims to gift (like a new phone, clothes, jewelry etc) or he'll try to find something special in the wild to gift you. 

Micheal Myers

He isn't much of a fan of Christmas, we all know his favorite holiday is Halloween. You may have to be the one to get the Christmas tree, but he'll help you with the decorations. He may cheekily add some Halloween decorations too. If you need help putting on the star/angel, he'll pick you up to reach the top. You're on your own when it comes to baking. However, you'll notice a couple of the food you've made had mysteriously disappeared. Micheal will always avoid the mistletoe. He thinks it's a stupid tradition and secretly is embarrassed if he's caught under it. If you manage to get under one with him, he'll eventually give in and kisses you. Gifts are kinda complicated to get; Micheal doesn't know what to get for you. So, like he always does, he'll stalk you throughout the day to see if anything catches your interest. If anything does (like something through a store's window), he'll kill the people inside the store and gets it to gift for you later. 

Freddy Krueger

Freddy doesn't really like Christmas because of the jokes about his sweater. Nevertheless, he'll still celebrate Christmas with you if you wanted to. He may not be able to be in the real world for long (depending how much power he has), so when you're in the dream realm with him, he'll make sure everything is to your liking for this holiday. Such as having some tinsel up and around the boiler room for fun. When he's in real world, he'll spend like 5 mins decorating before he gets bored and lets you do the rest. If you ever bake, Freddy will be on the sidelines. Sometimes stealing some of the food you've made. Always has a mistletoe in his pocket as an excuse to kiss you. In the dream realm, he'll just have a mistletoe pop out of nowhere just to kiss you. Freddy likes to do this at the most unexpected times. Getting a present is kinda complicated for Freddy... I mean, he could make the gift in the dream realm for you. You could be holding it as you wake up, so it be could be in the real world.

Billy And Stu

All three of you will go out Christmas shopping, Stu going overboard at times and buying way too many decorations. Each of you will have a different job to decorate the tree: you do the lights, Stu does the tinsels and Billy does the ornaments. The three of you will hold the star/angel together and place it on the top of the tree. Baking with them usually ends with a food fight. So it'd usually just be you and Stu baking whilst Billy would just watch and teases you two. Mistletoe's are placed on almost every doorway (Billy was the one who placed them) and Stu always have one in his pockets. Of course, you guys will be watching Christmas Horror movies every night: Black Christmas, Slight Night Deadly Night, Dead of Night etc. Billy will be unsure of what to give you and Stu, but Stu is the complete opposite. He is the best at gift giving! Stu will buy yours and Billy's favorite albums, video games, items for hobbies etc. Billy will be asking for what you and Stu want; if either of you don't give him a proper answer, it'll make him become more anxious. He'd give you and Stu some new horror movies/comics, along with some of his jackets you and Stu love to wear.

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