A Face From The Past

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A/N: I'm not really interested in writing for the characters in the Wrong turn. So please no one else requests for the Hillikers brothers. Just doing this cause fuck it.

Requested by Ancis93

Three finger x fem!Reader

Summary: After years of being alone, Three finger finally finds someone to be by his side.

Warnings: mentions of cannibalism, implied kidnapping, injured reader,

Wandering this forest certainly bored the man. Especially when there were no people to take or his brothers to have fun with. It has been a year or 2 since the death of his brothers. Three finger really misses them; he is the only one left of his family. He was truly alone in this world. With a bow in his right hand, he searches for any possible meat to feast on for the night. It has mainly been animal meat for the last few months. Three finger craved for the meat he used to eat alongside his family. Whenever he ate that type of meat, it would remind him of the good times he had with his family.

A sudden snap of metal catches his attention; someone has fallen into one of his traps. The sound echoed throughout the surrounding. With a large spring in his step, Three finger prepares his bow to catch what/whoever has caught the bait. After a few twists and turns, passing by the giant trees he has frequently passed, he finally views his supposed meal for tonight. A woman -who looks to be a few years younger than him- layed face first into the ground. Three finger giggles as he hopped closer to the unconscious woman. While having a small debate in his head whether to play with his meal or get straight into feasting. Yet when he turns the body (having her now face the sky) his mad giggles were soon swallowed. Confusion crosses his face; the woman seems familiar. Her unkept hair, those ragged and dirty clothes, her beautiful face...

He... he knows this woman. Even though it has been years since three finger has last seen her, he could never forget her face. When he was younger, he and his brothers were sent to a hospital. They never interacted with other patients or any of the doctors for that matter. Apart from one patient. She was held in a cell across from three finger. They never really talked -since she was mute or unable to communicate- but he felt some sort of connection with her. Whenever they had a break out of their cells, the duo would be stuck together like glue. The girl was basically family to three finger. What he really liked about her was the smell of her blood. It was only an accident that caused her to bleed; three finger silently thanked the person who caused it. He never smelt such blood as hers. It was intoxicating for him.

Speaking of blood, that fierce smell was radiating around him. Three fingers eyes wander her body -believing her to be the source- and notices the wire around her legs. The barbed wire cuts through her skin as blood was already forming a small puddle beneath her. A quiet whine leaves three fingers throat. Three finger couldn't kill her. She's the only person -who's considered- in his family that's alive now. He can't lose her like this.

In one swift motion, he tears away the metal confines and picks up the woman. He would need to treat her injury before she wakes up. Three finger runs as fast as he could back to his cabin. Finally, he would be no longer alone.

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