Bubba Sawyer

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Requested by slut_for_slenderman

A (Aftercare)

Aw Bubba here is such a sweetheart! Even though there's a chance he will fall asleep after a blissful moment with you, he'll try to throw his arm around you -in an attempt to hug you- before succumbing to his slumber. When he doesn't immediately fall asleep, he'll embrace you against his chest and whimper some gibberish. Or you can embrace him against your chest, Bubba doesn't mind cause he's just happy to have you as close as possible.

B (Their favourite body part on you and them)

His favourite body part on you is your chest. Bubba loves to push his face in between your breast/pectus when you both cuddle. His favourite body part on himself is his hands; Bubba kinda likes how big they are compared to yours.

C (Anything to do with cum)

Bubba prefers to cum inside you; this is mainly due to his breeding kink. Yet if you don't want him to, then he'll just cum on your chest.

D (Dirty secret)

I mean, apart from the 3 dirty magazines he keeps hidden in his room, Bubba doesn't really have any secrets. He doesn't like to keep things secret from you; he's somewhat of an open book.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

Poor baby has no experience at all. I feel like in the beginning, Bubba would be so nervous when physical affection occurs. Giving him a hug will make him red in the face. You may need to guide him since it'll be his first time.

F (Favorite position)

Eiter cowgirl or reverse cowgirl. In this position, not only can he watch your beautiful body bounce up and down on him, but it also gives you control of the situation. Having you on top will make him worry less about hurting you; Bubba sometimes is worried that he'll use too much of his strength that he hurts you.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Bubba is very serious during the moment; he takes lovemaking seriously. After a few rounds though, he will be less timid and let loose a bit.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

Yeah, it's kind of a mess down there. If you want him to trim it then he'll do so, it may take a while to have it smooth though. With you, Bubba won't care if you're hairy or smooth down below.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

He is very romantic during the moment. Bubba will do anything and everything he can to show his adoration for you. If you wanted him to, he can be rough during sex; it'll just take time before Bubba can be fully confident to be rough though.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

At least once a day, Bubba jacks off. He may not do it much because of butchering, taking care of grandpa, etc. Although he may attempt to masturbate more when you come around.

K (Their kinks)

Praise kink, overstimulation, begging, worship kink, voyeurism, period sex, breeding kink, femdom,

L (Location, their favourite place to be intimate.)

Either the bedroom or somewhere that's completely private. It's a bit of a possessive thing because he doesn't want anyone seeing you naked. Plus he can be insecure about his body at times; Bubba is fine with you seeing his body cause he knows you won't be disgusted by him. Yet he doesn't want to chance anyone else to see him like that. 

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

Any/every ounce of affection you offer him. Bubba melts whenever you do something as simple as hold his hand. Just showing him that you love him gets him semi-hard.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

No degradation in bed; poor baby might form a tear from hearing you call him names. Bubba prefers praise and sweet pet names.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

Bubba doesn't really have a preference, he's just fine with doing what you want to. You need him to eat you out/ suck you off? Then he'll happily do so. You want to give him head as he has a quick break from butchering? Go right ahead!

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

It's mostly slow and sensual, well, after the first time it will be. When Bubba has his first time with you, he gets too eager in the moment. His thrusts were fast and rough and he couldn't control himself.

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

Bubba is neutral on quickies. Sometimes he would initiate them, other times you will. No matter when you wanna have a quickie, Bubba will always be ready for one.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

He is willing to do whatever you suggest, as long as it isn't so far out of his comfort zone. Just ease him into new things, gently explain what risk you want to do and take some time to think until Bubba agrees.

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

Lasts for 5 rounds. Due to his excitement, Bubba can occasionally cum too quickly which may cut things short. However, he will still have enough adrenaline to go for more rounds.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

Bubba has taken some items from victims (mainly thanks to his curiosity). One time, he walked up to you holding a strap on asking if you knew what it was. When you explained to him what it was -and if you're into the idea- asking him if he wanted to try it out; Bubba was fine with trying it out.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

It's rare for this man to tease; he's usually the one being teased. Bubba loves all of the attention you give him, even if it's just to tease him. Yet if you're teasing goes on for far too long, he may grab you roughly and have you make him cum.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

He can be rather whiney and makes a lot of loud noises. Although he may not be able to speak proper words, Bubba does murmur stuff during sex. At times you can figure out some things he's trying to say like 'I love you'.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

When his brothers -specifically Drayton- shouts at him, Bubba will fall for you even more if you defend him. However, if his brothers try to snap back at you, he is quick to wrap you in his arms to cover you from them. No matter who it is, Bubba will do his best to protect you from harm (whether it's emotional or physical harm from others).

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Around average length (5.9 inches) and thick.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

Bubba has a high sex drive, he can barely keep it together when your hands go around him (either hugging him from the front or behind).

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

When you both have slow and sensual sex then Bubba may clock out in under two minutes. Not before engulfing you in a giant hug though! When he has some energy left, Bubba stays up for under 15 minutes embracing you before going to sleep or continuing his day.

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