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A (Aftercare)

Well, Chucky isn't much of a caring type. After sex, he'd just be laying on the bed and be panting heavily. But if he sees you got hurt, Chucky will give some small hugs and kisses to say his sorry. He does care; it just takes time for him to express or admit his love for you.

B (Their favorite body part on you and them)

His favorite body part on him would be his dick... Yep. He is kinda of a narcissist. Chucky is very proud and cocky when it comes to that part of his body. His favorite body part on you, is kinda obvious, but it's your breasts. Doesn't matter if they're big or small, he still loves them.

C (Anything to do with cum)

Chucky prefers to cum either on your face or ass. He loves seeing your face/ass painted with his cum. He loves making a mess of you. It's like he is marking you. He also finds you cute when he cums on your face.

D (Dirty secret)

He thought about it for awhile, but he does like the idea of recording you both having sex. So he can see your cute reactions when he fucks your brains out.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

He's experienced; he dated Tiffany fucking Valentine and had kids with her. Tiff also said he was the best lover she ever had so...

F (Favorite position)

Any position as long as he's in control. There will be that rare occasion of him letting you be on top though. Chucky just never wants to be seen as the submissive one; it makes him feel vulnerable and pathetic.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

During sex, Chucky will crack a few dirty jokes. He'd usually say them if he sees you're uncomfortable or too shy, so he will ease you into the moment.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

He doesn't really care about being hairy. But if you want him to shave, he'd be chill doing that.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Chucky isn't much of a romantic, he'd usually go to sex straight away. No messing about, let's just fuck. He is fast and rough during sex. However, he does praise you when you suck on his dick. You honestly make him feel so good about himself.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

He prefers for you to pleasure him instead. But if you weren't in the mood, he would just masturbate to a picture of you.

K (Their kinks)

Asphyxiation, breath play, knife play, BDSM, body worship, degrading, orgasm denial, over stimulation.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate.)

Doesn't really have a favorite place to fuck. Chucky is a bit adventurous so he does like to have sex in public places. Especially when there's a high chance of getting caught.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

After killing someone in a very gruesome way or you teasing him. When you whisper into his ear about how much you want to be inside you, he makes him bite his lip in excitement.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

A big turn off for Chucky would be you saying your ex's name. Even if it's something like 'Chucky, you're so much better than (Ex's name)'. He'd get pretty pissed off if you mention the bastards name. He doesn't talk about his ex, so you shouldn't talk about yours. If you don't have an ex though, a turn would be trying to dominate him. It will take a very long time before Chucky would offer for you to dominate him.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

Chucky prefers receiving. He loves when you deep throat him; it turns him on so much to see you chocking on his cock.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

He likes it to be fast and rough. Chucky wants you begging for him to let you cum. Sex will sometimes end with you covered in bruises, hickeys or small cuts. However, if Chucky ever gives you mercy (That's when he is in a good mood), he can be slow and sensual.

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

Sure. I mean; he doesn't love quickies, but he doesn't hate them neither. It kinda depends on when you want a quickie and his mood. He wouldn't bother if it is in the morning, but wouldn't mind having a quickie at noon.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

Fuck yeah he's down. Taking risks are really exciting and he enjoys the thrills. Anyway, if someone caught you both in public (Like in the park bushes) he can have an excuse to kill someone. He doesn't want someone to see your beautiful naked body and get away with it.

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

If it's after a kill and he has all that adrenaline from it, then he can go for 6 rounds. If not than he can go up for 4 rounds.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

He doesn't really use them. Apart from some police cuffs he'd stolen and duct tape he uses for his victims. He doesn't have a lot of toys. You'll have to be the one to suggest using other toys; so, depending on what toy, he will try it out.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Chucky loves to tease you. He wants you to beg and plead for him to pleasure you. However, he does like when you tease him too. Just won't admit it out loud.

V (Volume,how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

He mostly grunts as quietly as he can. Chucky loves to hear your voice whimper and moan from his touches. So he tries to not be as loud just to hear your sweet voice.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

Deep inside of him, he has a daddy kink. It's not because he is ashamed of the kink, but if you ever call him daddy. He'll be pinning you down to fuck you into next week.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

He is average size, but it ain't the size that counts. It's what you do with it.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

It's pretty high for man in his age group.

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

He doesn't fall asleep straight away. He'll wait for you to fall sleep first. So he can hold your sleeping form and kiss your forehead lovingly. But if you don't in 10 mins or so, he'll give you a quick kiss then goes to bed. 

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