Billy And Stu

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(Yep it's a polyamorous relationship, I love both of them too much to choose one.)

A (Aftercare)

After sex you'd immediately get sandwiched by your two boyfriends. Both of them love hugs especially Stu. They would cuddle for hours but it would take longer to convince Stu to let go. He would always say 'give me 5 more minutes' thing.

B (Favorite body part on you and them)

Billy and Stu can agree that their favorite body part on you is your thighs. They both love how thick your thighs are and always touch them. Usually Billy would give soft love bites on them. Billy's favorite body part on him is his chest since he has a fit figure. He likes when either you or Stu lean against his chest. Stu's favorite body part on him is his butt: he notices you staring down at it sometimes. 

C (Anything to do with cum)

Both like to cum inside of you. If they manage to cum at the same time; it gives you more pleasure. Even though you'll ask them not to, they may or may not still cum inside you on purpose.

D (Dirty secret)

Stu is into phone sex, using the voice changer turns you on. He gets really excited from phone sex and loves hearing you moan on the other line. Billy loves to bite onto your neck, sometimes he draws blood and licks it.

E (Experience, how experienced do they have?)

Both have a lot of experience with girls (and some boys too). However, I feel like Billy does have a bit experience more than Stu, only by a small percentage. 

F (Favorite position)

The boys definitely can agree on double penetration. Even though they'd sometimes do penetration and oral with you; they prefer double penetration. They love to hear your loud moans from both of the pain and pleasure. However if it was just one on one; Billy likes to have your legs rest on his shoulders whilst he does deep thrusts into your g-spot. Stu favorite position is reverse cowgirl since he can get a lovely view ;) 

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Out of the two, Stu is more of the goofy one whilst Billy is more serious. Stu usually makes sex jokes and puts on the ghostface costume for some role play. Billy, on the other hand is all serious during sex. He wants to make sure both of you (you and Stu) are satisfied and received your pleasures. 

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

Billy is waxed down there since he doesn't like hair down there. Stu does have a small amount of hair since he doesn't mind it much. But he wouldn't let it go too crazy.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Billy at times can be romantic and tender in the moment. Both can be romantic and tender. Both would set the mood by doing the clique of laying rose petals around the room. Or drinking some red wine together. However Stu can get too rough during sex, sometimes hurting both you and Billy. Causing Billy to get mad at Stu. Sure Billy does like it rough, but he wants it to not seriously hurt or be sudden.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

Stu would only masturbate to relief stress or when he feels horny (When neither you or Billy are around). Other than that Stu isn't bothered about masturbation. Billy isn't interested in masturbation; he's got you and Stu! If he was feeling excited, he'd grab you (or Stu) take you upstairs to fuck you.

K (Their kinks)

Both do have their different and same kinks; Stu enjoys telephonicophilia, phygephilia, bondage and a bit into pegging. Billy likes bondage, hematolagnia and knife play.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate)

They prefer to do it in the bedroom. Stu likes to have sex in a victims house sometimes, due to having the rush of getting caught by the victims parents or the cops. If other men try to flirt with you, Billy and Stu immediately show their dominance. They'll begin to kiss or touch you sexually, then find the nearest room to have sex.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

After chasing and successfully killing someone, especially when their kill is more creative than just using a knife. Another way is when all of you watch a good horror movie together. Right when the movie ends the next thing you know is the boys are now kissing you all over.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Talking about their old girlfriends. You try to ask or mention Sidney or Tatum; they'd ignore you and pretend you didn't say anything. If you continue to talk about it though they would get mad and make you stop. By kissing you.

O (Oral, preferences in giving or receiving.)

Both rather receive. They both love when you deep throat their cocks, usually would have you turn into a sobbing mess. They make sure you're satisfied as well; taking turns to eat you out. Once you cum they'd either leave or continue to fuck you.

P (Fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Most of the time they are rough and always the dominate ones. They can be slow and romantic at times. It depends on their mood; if their in a angry mood it's fast and rough, if they're in a lighthearted mood, they're slow.

Q (Quickies, their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)

Both are fans of quickies. Especially when it's somewhere in public. They kinda like the thrill of someone catching you three fucking. If anyone does, they can just kill them before continuing the fun.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risk?)

Both are ready to take risks just Billy is a little bit drawn back at times. He's fine with some risks but he hates getting caught. It ruins the moment between the three of you. Billy would rather have sex in the bedroom than anywhere in public, so no one can interrupt.

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)

They can go for 3-4 rounds a night and last for some time. Especially when they're both craving for you. They try not to go too far though, once they went for 6 rounds. The next morning you were sore as hell to even move your legs.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

They do have a couple of toys to use; a toy knife (if you don't want them using a real one), dildos, handcuffs etc. They wouldn't always use them, only when they feel more playful in bed.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Stu is the one who mostly teases. He finds it funny seeing your irritated expression. Billy can be a tease but he had enough of teasing from Sidney. So he'd rather continue without any teasing.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

They both can be really loud with their moans, grunts etc. However if you're in a victims house Billy would try to stay quiet.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

Every Saturday night is movie night. The three of you would agree on a horror movie franchise to watch. Then once the movie ends once you would do a small quiz on the movie. Doing question such as what was the killer's motive or what was their name. 

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Both are average in size; Billy's 5.7 inches and Stu's 5.6 inches. Stu is slimmer than Bill though.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

Both do have a high sex drive, they are teens (18 years old) after all. Stu would be upfront when he wants to have sex, whilst Billy can be more subtle asking.

Z (How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

After sex they'd cuddle with you in bed; Billy having you lay on his chest with Stu on yours, or the other way around. Their cuddles are really warm and soft, for you to immediately fall asleep between them.

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