I'll Never Leave You

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Bo Sinclair x Reader

Summary: Bo was having one of his frequent nightmares, but this time it was about you leaving him. In the middle of the night, you awake to see him tossing and turning in bed. You could tell something was wrong and help him wake up.

Warning: slight hurt/comfort (Reader comforting Bo). Soft Bo.

A deep whimper causes you to awake from your sweet slumber. You look over to the bedside counter, with half-open eyes, to grab a hold of your phone to see it's 3 AM. You hear another whimper behind you, it is much louder this time. You twist to your right side, to look upon Bo tossing and turning in his sleep. Sweat drips down his forehead, as his muscles tense when he grips tighter onto his pillow. Which was being pulled fully against the side of his face. He must be having another nightmare again. Bo would have these frequent nightmares every night. They would not only affect his sleeping but yours as well. Even though you're tempted to have a night on the couch -to get some proper sleep- you still stayed in bed with Bo. You couldn't allow Bo to battle these awful nightmares alone.

Bo began to mumble incoherent words whilst his body shook more and more. As if he was getting more anxious. He must be freaking out about something in his nightmare. "Bo..?" You call out to him, shaking his shoulder in an attempt to wake him. Bo continues to stir in his sleep. "Bo!" You were swift to climb on top of his sleeping form. Resting your palms against his cheeks, feeling them get hotter. "Bo! Wake up!" That final shout makes Bo abruptly sit up with a loud gasp. Coming face to face with you straddling his hips. Bo was breathing heavily, his eyes scanning you up and down. As if he was surprised to see you with him.

One of your hands lowers to his chest, rubbing small circles to his exposed chest. Attempting to soothe him. "Baby, you had another nightmare. Didn't you?" Even though you knew the answer, you still asked to see if he'd be willing to talk about it. 

Bo's baby blue eyes soften, his large hands going to your thighs. "I...I did." It was obvious that he was hesitant to express himself. You know Bo doesn't like talking about his feelings because -to quote him- 'feelings are for girls'. He was supposed to be your strong and protective boyfriend. Not some weak crybaby. 

"Can we talk about it?" Bo's breathing slowed, gazing to the side. He was debating whether to tell you about this awful nightmare or to just stay quiet.

He was silent for only a moment before he pulled you closer to him. His arms now huddling your waist, ducking his head into your neck. "I dreamt you left me. That you had enough of my bullshit, so you packed up and fucking left." You lift your hand -which previously was on his cheek- to gently brush your fingers through his hair. Calming him down from having a possible crying fit. Bo usually craves your affection, but never admits it. Just having you do a simple and romantic gesture, like holding his hand or kissing his cheek, makes him feel... wanted. And needed.

Bo closes his eyes, sighing dreamily from your touch. It was rare to see Bo like this; so quiet and vulnerable. "Bo, why would you think I'd leave you?" You gently push him away, after kissing his forehead. Bo leans his forehead toward yours; you can feel some of the dry sweat collide with your skin. His eyes closed for a moment before opening. To gaze deep into yours. 

"You're too good for me... I don't deserve you. I'm too much of a fuckin' asshole for you to love. I-" You interrupt him by giving him a passionate kiss. Bo quickly leans forward to deepen the kiss. Along with his tongue darting into your mouth, soon meeting yours. You allow him to take dominance. His hands trailing down from your waist to your thighs, then back up to your waist. You grind your hips against him, causing a small moan to escape from Bo's lips.

You pull away after a few minutes, Bo leans forward in an attempt to capture your lips for more. Both of your hands go to rest against his jaw, "Bo, you're not an asshole... and you honestly deserve more than me. I love you, Bo. I love you and I will never leave you. You're stuck with me forever." The corner of Bo's mouth slightly perks up at the small joke. You return with a gentle smile, your left thumb begins to rub his skin. Feeling how surprisingly soft his cheek was. Bo lifts his hand to grab your wrist, having you press your palm into his face. "It doesn't matter whether there's more bad than good in you. I'll always be right here for you." For a second you notice a spot of tears form in the corners of his eyes before Bo closes his eyes. Shaking his head with a small laugh, getting out of your hold in the process.

"God, you will be the death of me if you don't stop with this shit." Bo would never admit it, but he did enjoy it when you were like this. Telling him that you love him, even with all of the shit he has put you through. No matter how many times you both argued; you still stayed for him. 

You giggle at Bo's comment, "Oh shut up." You wrap your arms around his neck. Giving a quick peck to his jaw. Bo opens his eyes, gazing up at you. Both of you grin at each other, spending a couple more minutes being in each other's arms. Enjoying the quietness between you two. Before Bo nods off to sleep, allowing you to be the big spoon (which was rare). You held him as he slept, small snores leaving his half-opened mouth from time to time.

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