Billy Lenz

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Requested by wendig0666

A (Aftercare)

Billy isn't the best at aftercare; he uses you as his own personal pillow. He wouldn't care or do much to check on you. He would just hold you tightly and possibly play with your hair.

B (Their favourite body part on you and them)

His favourite body part on him is his hands. Billy uses them to roam every inch of your beautiful body. His favourite body part on you is your pink pussy/juicy cock. If he could, he would spend hours between your legs.

C (Anything to do with cum)

He will cum everywhere he can on your body. Billy will cum in your hair, on your face, your ass etc. At times he would smear his cum around your body and have you lick it off his hand.

D (Dirty secret)

Somophilia is a secret kink of Billys. He likes how you look so innocent and vulnerable to him. There's also that small thrill of that small chance of you waking up.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

Billy doesn't have any experience unless you count some lewd magazines he has stacked in the attic and jacks off to.

F (Favorite position)

Any position where you're as close as possible. Billy wants to feel your soft body against his, caressing and kissing your soft skin.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

He's goofier in the moment than serious. At times, he would be giggling and snorting as he calls you his dirty piggy.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

It's the same as the hair on his head; a mess of brown curls. It will take a lot of convincing for him to shave.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Billy is rough during the moment, I don't think he's much of a romantic guy. Yet if you want him to be intimate and take things slow, he'll try to for you.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

This dude masturbates 24/7! He frequently masturbates when he's spying on you (specifically when you're pleasuring yourself). However, he also uses photos of you as material to jack off to.

K (Their kinks)

Voyeurism, phone sex, dirty talk, degrading, hair pulling, overstimulation, spanking, edging.

L (Location, their favourite place to be intimate.)

Although he would say everywhere inside the house, it would honestly be in the attic. It's the place where he's most comfortable and feels more in his element in the attic.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

You doing something as simple as bending over. Billy gets turned on when you do anything that could hint at something sexual.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Anything that's too violent, such as using a knife on you (blood play). Billy can be so caught up during the moment that he may not realise he's seriously hurting you. So he doesn't want to risk severely hurting you.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

Like I've said above, Billy would spend hours between your legs. Sloppily licking and sucking your sex for as long as he can. He also doesn't mind receiving; as soon as you offer him some head, he's immediately whipping out his dick.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Billy is fast and rough, it's rare for him to be slow. He's rough to the point where you're a shaking and moaning mess. 

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

He would never say no to a quickie. They honestly happen more frequently than actual sex. They can happen anytime in any room of the sorority house.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

Kinda depends on his mood and the risk. He'll be down to fuck you if there's a guest at home. Especially if that guest is someone he doesn't like.

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

He can go for 5-6 rounds a night. You'll only have a small break between the rounds before Billy is back to roughly fucking you.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

Billy isn't that keen on toys; he would try them out once though.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Billy is a bit of an asshole. He would tease you almost every hour, mostly to get your attention. He'll tease you by: whispering dirty comments into your ear, shoving his hand down your pants, or brushing his cock against your ass before walking away.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

There will be lots of dirty talk and groans from Billy. He is loud but not loud enough for anyone in another room to hear him (unless he wants them to).

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

If he gets really jealous of a visitor talking to you, Billy would want to fuck you in front of them. Showing them that you're his and no one could pleasure you as he does.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Billy is about average size, 5.3 inches. his shaft is thin but long.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

His sex drive is up the roof! The dude can't go for a single second without thinking of something dirty.

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

It takes a couple of minutes, but there's a chance he falls asleep seconds after. Billy uses you as a pillow and rests his head on your chest.

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