Midnight Shock

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Yandere Hannibal Lector x Reader

Requested by Crowleystan

Summary: You wake up in the middle of the night for a glass of water. As you finish drinking the water, you're pulled into sudden darkness. Only to awaken in new surroundings.

Warning: Kidnapping, yandere themes, mentions of paranoia

Your eyes snap open as your upper body springs up in shock. The duvet that was draped over you slides down your chest. Laying on top of your lap. E/C eyes stressfully scan the room, presently relieved to see you're in your bedroom. You take a moment to have a few deep breaths in, and then out to calm your anxiety. Resting a hand on your beating heart until its rapid pounding has lowered. These nightmares are getting worse during each passing night. Ever since people have begun disappearing -some of them that you've interacted with/known- you have become paranoid. What made your paranoia worsen was that police frequently questioned you after each disappearance/death. Even when the victim was someone you've only talked with once. Occasionally, the police would ask if you ever felt as if someone was watching you. At first, you found it to be an odd question. Until you suddenly received love letters around 2 months ago. Each letter contained details of not only your interests but your morning, midday and bedtime routines. It was clear from the letters that whoever was sending them to your doorstep has been stalking you for a very long time. Your confusion swiftly developed into slight mania. You were now overly suspicious of everyone and everything around you. Unsure of who was truly your friend or some obsessive stalker planning god knows what with you. The fear of someone watching you soon wiggled its way into your dreams.

It was the same dream on repeat. You, walking alone down a long empty street, leading to your house. It seemed like every step you took somehow made your house move further away. As you walked down the street, you suddenly hear another set of footsteps. Yet when you look behind you; no one was there. Despite the fact that nobody was present, the footsteps would continue. Soon becoming louder and louder. You would start to run in an attempt to escape this mysterious stalker. Unfortunately, your running would only be cut short when you're dragged back into someone. A gloved hand pushes a white cloth up to your mouth. You try to escape the person's clutches but everything goes black. That's then you'd wake up in shock.

God... you need to calm your nerves. You need a drink.

As you throw your legs over the edge of the bed, you feel your throat itch for water. You stumble through the dark, heading straight for your bedroom door and opening it. Leaving the room to walk down the small hallway, guiding yourself to the open kitchen. You grab a glass cup and reach for the sink's tap to twist the cold water on. Begining to fill the cup with water. Other than the flowing water and the wind's whispers, it was completely quiet... wait, the wind? Your eyes dart to the left in confusion, viewing that one of the windows were wide open. Allowing the harsh breeze of spring to flow into your home. You turn off the water, placing your now full cup onto the counter. Before stepping toward the open window; you don't recall leaving this window open. Did you just forget to close it?

With a short shrug of your shoulders, you close the window. Maybe it's your paranoia, you must've forgotten about closing the window. Then again, with everything going on recently, surely you would've noticed. You have been overly suspicious of everything during these last few weeks so you should've-

Instantaneously, something wraps itself around your waist. Pulling you into a hard source. Your hands grab onto whatever was around your waist; it was someone's arm. Your anxiety rises once again, along with the many thoughts of what this person will do to you. In one swift second, the person pushes a wet cloth against your mouth and nose. Uncertain of what else to do, you impulsively scream against it. You attempt to break free, pulling at their hands to release you, but it's unsuccessful. They had a strong grip on you. Everything around begins to go dark, your eyes fighting to stay open. Your vision blurs as you begin to feel dizzy. All you could remember was feeling something touch your forehead; along with a rather calming voice saying,

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