Yandere Nubbins and Chop Top

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A/n: head cannons of what nubbins and chop top would be like as yanderes. Sorry if it's not much but it is all I could do.

Requested by VantaredBoy

Warning: Yandere themes, mentions of harm, kidnapping, slight NSFW (like 1 or 2 headcannons are),

Chop Top Sawyer

-It's likely Chop top's obsession for you began when he finds out your interest, more specifically in music or pins and buttons you wear. You would soon become -what Chop top calls- one of his favourites. He will take every opportunity he can to see/talk with you.

-When he interacts with you, Chop top will give rather odd but charming compliments. He could be complimenting your hairstyle, the colour of your nails, what pins/buttons you're wearing etc.

-After your first encounter with Chop top, he will suddenly be almost everywhere you go. Although it'll mainly be places you visit nearing dawn/night, he will always get your attention and talk with you.

-Chop top will give you odd gifts, such as bone jewellery, items he stole from victims, music disks/albums you like but have never told him etc.

- Unlike Nubbins, Chop top will take a while before he decides to kidnap you. He would want to take his time: getting to know your interests, seeing what your family life is like, make you have positive opinions on him. 

-He's willing to kill anyone for you: strangers who were mean to you, friends, your partner, family members. At times, he may even hurt you. Sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. 

-The times he hurts you on accident is when he gets too excited. When Chop top accidentally hurts you, he is quick to notice his mistake and tries to patch up the injury. The injury wouldn't be anything major; just a scratch from his coat hanger or a bruise from him grabbing you too hard.

-The times he hurts you on purpose is when you disobey or try to escape him. The punishments would consist of cutting you, leaving you isolated for a day and -if he's really upset- breaking your leg.

-When he has you captive, he'd make it seem kidnapping is a good thing. You won't have to work anymore, you won't have to waste time with friends/family. You can spend all of your time with him!

-Very, VERY touchy. Chop top wants to hold your hand, cuddle, kiss and so much more. Although he wants to do all of these things, he will stop if repeatedly tell him no. Saying it once won't be enough and he'll think you are messing with you.

-When you tell him to stop touching you, he will get upset and will try to make you feel guilty. If it doesn't work then he leaves you in a huff; probably running off to his brothers to complain about how you won't accept his love.

-There may be a chance you wake up to him either jerking off or humping your thigh. He can't help it, you're just so cute!

Nubbins Swayer

-Most likely meeting Nubbins by picking him up. If not then you may have met him at some dingy store/bar. He will awkwardly introduce himself to you. 

-He does seem shy in the beginning, but don't let that fool you. One second he's fidgeting with his hands due to 'nerves', then the next he is taking too close and random photos of you without asking.

-If Nubbins gets attached to you (which will be most likely if you're just nice to him), then he couldn't be patient and swiftly take you home. No planning, no hesitation, just naps you during the night.

-At the start, Nubbines will try to be gentle but if you attempt to fight back then he'll cut/hit you to make you stop. He is only violent with you when he needs to be.

-During captivity he is always by your side. Sometimes he even will take you outside to have some fun. As long you don't try to leave him, if so then you'll be chained to the bed for a long time.

-Nubbins would always be touching you: holding your hands, kissing your cheeks/lips, embracing you etc. He'll only go further if you reciprocate his actions.

-Occasionally, Nubbins gropes you when is feeling really 'affectionate'. Even if you tell him to stop, he won't and just grips harder to make you whimper.

-In a way to make you more comfortable, he will bring you gifts, food and clothes he thinks you like. If you reject these gifts then Nubbins will become very upset and shouts about how you should be grateful.

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