You Tell Them You're Pregnant

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Jason Voorhees

You were honestly excited to tell him the news; you've always wanted children. So you couldn't wait to have a child, especially with Jason. Once Jason enters the house, you rush up to him and hold up the pregnancy test. Beaming that you're pregnant. At first Jason was confused, he's a zombie so how could he impregnate you? But he's mostly worried. What if your child will have the same deformities as him, will he be a good dad? Jason will freak out mostly but you'll always assure him that both of you will be amazing parents. During your pregnancy, Jason will always attend to your every need: giving you food, drinks, carrying you warm blankets etc. Anything you need, he will get it for you.

Micheal Myers

When you found out you were pregnant, you were worried at how Micheal would react. He isn't that fond of kids. Especially teens. So once you told him the news, Micheal needed some time to think. It took 2 days until you could actually talk to him again. He calms down and tries to help in anyway he can. Even though Micheal has no idea what to do, so he'll always ask you what he needs to do. He does become more protective of you; if anyone comes near you, he'd immediately go to your side. Making sure they won't hurt you or the baby. When you're asleep he'd wrap his arms around your stomach, to check if the baby will kick or to comfort you. He will do his best to care for the both of you.

Freddy Krueger  

The 1st thing you were thinking was how the hell could both of you take care of the child? Freddy is a dream demon so he's mostly in the dream realm. Would he stay in the real world to help you? You were unsure. You had a small freak-out of this odd situation. However, you manage to build up the courage to tell him the news. Freddy was shocked and angry that he let this happen. He will have small outburst on the situation, but he will soon calm down. Telling you he'll help to raise his child: getting food for you, going to doctor appointments with you and always will protect you and his baby. When he goes into the world he has a human form so no one would freak out or anything. Freddy uses his human form so he can go to doctor appointments with you and buy food/baby products.

Billy And Stu

As soon as the test said positive; you immediately freak out. How will the boys react? Who is the biological father? You begin to worry if this could affect your relationship between the 3 of you. Billy is more of the jealous one, so would he be mad about who is the father? This causes you to have a small cry. Which Billy and Stu heard from the bathroom. They come into the room and you told them the news. Stu is the first to react, pulling you into a hug (To comfort you and from happiness) telling you how excited he is to be a dad. Billy freezes for a second, unsure of how to react. But quickly joins the hug and will comfort you with sweet words. During your pregnancy, both will provide you with anything they think will help.

Norman Bates

At first you were really excited about having a baby. As you were waiting for Norman to come back from the motel, you began to wonder how his 'mother' would react. You patiently waited until Norman entered the house. You hugged him when he entered the front room and told him there's going to be a new member in the family! His eyed widened, going from confused into a nervous wreck. You would comfort him from his crying of happiness as he'd hug your belly. Chanting how he's going to be a dad. At times 'mother' will always be watching you. Making sure you're eating the right food, making sure you won't get hurt, watching your every step etc. Constantly telling you and Norman to take good care of her grand child. Norman would be overprotective as well but he tries to be more subtle than 'mother'.

Hannibal Lector 

Hannibal actually had suspicions of you already being pregnant. You were showing most of the symptoms over the couple of weeks: Morning sickness, mood swings, food cravings etc. So he suggested that you should use a pregnancy test. After the test was done; it was positive. At first you couldn't believe it, so you tried another one to make sure it was true. The 2nd test had the same answer. Showing Hannibal the test, he simply kept on a calm face. He held both of your hands and told you how we're going to be a perfect family. Being overall excited, but hiding it mostly. Throughout the 9 months Hannibal did his best to help. His work was a small issue but he quickly got it taken care of. So he could spend most of his time taking care of you.

Bubba Sawyer

It was hard to get a pregnancy test without any of the Sawyers catching you with it. You didn't want any of them to know until you were sure. After taking the test; it was positive of course. It took some time before you were confident enough to tell Bubba. You know he isn't that good at taking in certain news. That he wouldn't understand and freak out. But you soon told Bubba that you're pregnant...and he was thrilled! He quickly picks you and mutters words you couldn't understand. It sounded like he was happy though. Bubba told the family and asked them for help: Drayton said he'd help getting medicine and that's it, whilst the twins said once you have the baby they'll look after it if you want.

Thomas Hewitt

One you found out you were pregnant you quickly told Thomas and he was the happiest man on earth. Picking you up and swaying you around in excitement. Full of joy that he's going to have a new family member. Thomas always wanted to have a big family; to be a great dad and treat his kid/kids with anything they want. He'll be very protective of you, keeping you away from his 'work' so you wouldn't get hurt. Just like Jason, he worries that the baby will have the same deformities as him. Thomas would be asking Luda May for a lot of advice on and she'll happily help both of you out. Hoyt and Monty will take sometime before they get used to you being pregnant. The family are supportive and watch out for you and the baby's safety.

Brahms Heelshire 

Telling Brahms that you were pregnant was rather awkward. He didn't say anything but stare down at your belly. It took a moment before he broke out of his stare. Brahms immediately hugs you and mutters you how happy he is. But he may or may not have a small spark of jealousy. Brahms always wants to be the center of attention; so when you're mostly focused on the baby, and not him, he becomes a bit of a brat. Aoart from that, he tries his best to help out, just that he's so use to staying in the walls. He isn't fond of going out that much. However he tries to make up for it; by giving you lots of cuddles and making you food (mostly simple food like sandwiches, salads etc.) or buying you takeaways. 

Carrie White

You were considering about having a child for awhile now. You were prepared to have one and knew how you wanted to have the baby. A sperm donor. The problem was how Carrie would react. It was around dinner time when you spoke about having a child. She was quiet about the situation; unsure on what to say. But she soon composes herself and agrees it's a good idea. Carrie was curious about having a family, she was just too nervous to ask until she was 100% ready. She worries she may become like her mother. And she doesn't want that to happen. After your insemination was a success, Carrie was always by your side. Supporting and helping you through the 9 months.

Tiffany Valentine

Tiffany was the first one to ask about having a family. At first you were unsure about having a baby yet; but she soon convinces you otherwise. The only thing you were really uncomfortable with was how she wanted it to happen. Tiffany suggested voodoo pregnancy: since it's accelerated so you wouldn't have to wait as long. However if you don't want to do it that way, she'll understand and suggest insemination instead. You're the one having the insemination. During the pregnancy, Tiff will be very supportive and comfort you through it all. She'll always cook you your favorite meal and give you lots of blanklets to keep you warm.

Amanda Young

Amanda is willing to have a baby with you (Either by adoption or a sperm donor you choose). She's actually really thrilled about it. However she does mostly worry if this could affect her 'work' with John. She wants to be helping you 24/7 with the baby. Once John knows about you two considering a baby, he'll tell Amanda to take care of you. That she doesn't need to worry about their work and just watch out for you. He doesn't want Amanda to experience what he did with his wife. So he'll make sure Amanda is helping you and the baby. 

Baby Firefly

When you asked about having baby with Baby; she was mostly chill with it. She thinks it'll be exciting to have small version of her running around the house. Another new family member will be more fun. You did most of the paperwork and got both of you approved yo adotp. Luckily, she was on her good behaviour for all of that. Doing her best to not kill anyone at the adoption agency. The family are fine and supportive about the adoption, especially Mama Firefly. She'd always want to gift her grand child with anything they desire.

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