Finger me like a typo

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A/N: The reason for the title is because I wrote this while listening to cupcakke. Her music is amazing and it honestly gets me in the mood to write smut. Also sorry if the ending seems quick, I'm just terrible at writing endings. May or may not edit this later on, it'll depend on whether I want to write more or not.

Requested by LilacPsychosis

Jack Torrance x GN! Reader

Warning: smut, fingering, praise/degradation, rough sex, spanking, slight edging,

A desperate cry escapes your lips, tilting your head backwards to rest against his shoulder. His eyes scan your face, pleased by the wonderful expressions you conveyed. The bastard has been edging for god knows how long. No matter how hard you begged, he didn't let you cum.

"I'm disappointed in you, kitten." He says, continuing the agonizing strokes around your sex. You could feel that shit-eating grin of his against your cheek. "It's barely been 10 minutes and you're already this desperate? You're fucking pathetic." Has it actually been that long?

Between your staggered breathing, you reply, "F-fuck off, Jack. Just stop teasing me already." He was just testing your patience now. Jack's digits relax their pace, causing your body to lose the tension it has once maintained. Even though you wouldn't admit it to Jack, he could tell that you're craving for some kind of release.

"I'll stop when you start begging louder for me, kitten." He gives a harsh slap before continuing his agonising assault between your thighs. Deliberately, his strokes slow down as if they're also waiting for your voice to plead for their touch.

With a harsh cry, you yell out "P-please Jack. Make me cum! I need you!"


"Make me cum Jack!"

That final screech triggers Jack's fingers to go faster and rougher. He nips at your neck while you rotate against his hand. Your desire for some form of release grows with each passing second. A mantra of 'please' and 'yes' escapes your mouth, shockwaves of pleasure flow through you. It was Jack's final harsh strokes that made you cum with your knees almost buckling from the pressure. Jack lets you take a minute to breathe, murmuring some words of approval against your ear. All the while his opposite hand - the one which wasn't pleasing just your sex- runs up and down you. Stroking over areas of your skin where minor bruises formed from last night.

It lasted for under 5 minutes before Jack demands, "Get on all fours. Now." He backs away in order to give you some space. On instinct, you obey and bend down on your hands and knees. Before Jack gets into position, he leans over to the right side of the bed. Now in reach of the lude which was previously taken out of the dresser's draw. You had taken the lube out due to Jack's roughness. At least he remembers to use it this time. Jack layers the right amount of lube into his hand before applying it onto his erected shaft. He staggers towards you and positions himself behind you. With a firm grip on your hips, Jack pulls your ass closer so his dick was now prodding your needy hole. The head circles your entrance in a teasing manner. Making you whimper in anticipation for that desperate release. Your hips do a subtle shake as a way to beg Jack to fuck you roughly. Swiftly, Jack does one harsh thrust into your sensitive hole. What soon follows are vicious thrusts slapping against your ass. His grip on your hips becomes harsh upon hearing you moan and whimper from his ragged pace. "J-Jack!" Your walls tighten around him once he hits your sensitive spot. It felt like it has been ages since Jack has been this rough with you.

"Go on kitten. Make those pretty whines, fucking beg like you dirty slut you are." He gives a ruthless smack onto your ass. Causing another whimper to escape your lips. Your fingers interlock with the bed sheets underneath you. With a loud screech of your boyfriend's name, you cum with a harsh cry.

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