Carrie White

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A (Aftercare)

Carrie would want to have small cuddles with you before going to sleep. She loves hugging you and wants you (And herself) to feel comforted after sex.

B (Their favorite body part on you and them)

Carrie's favorite body part on you was your face. She loves seeing your sweet smile and how beautiful you are. Carrie doesn't really have a favorite body part on her. She is alittle insecure on her looks. However if she had to choose I guess she would her... figure? You would always compliment her on her looks, hoping it would gain her more confidence.

C (Anything to do with cum)

She doesn't really like getting messy. Carrie finds cum to be disgusting, before you'll cum in her mouth; she's quickly move away so it wouldn't go into her mouth. 

D (Dirty secret)

She likes when you're the dominate one in bed. Since she is abit shy when it comes to sex, so she likes when you take charge. She also likes seeing you wear long baggy shirts; a baggy shirt that just covers your bottom and shows some cleavage. It makes her blush madly.

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

Carrie isn't experienced at all. Apart from going to prom with Tommy; she knows nothing about dating nor sex. Only that sex only should happen after marriage (and other crazy stuff her mother taught her). Of course you understand her wishes and told her you can wait until she's ready. After a few months into the relationship though, Carrie tells you that she's ready for sex.

F (Favorite position)

She likes to sit on your face, moving her hips as you caress her ass. As she reaches her climax it can make her weak in the knees. 

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Carrie is more serious in the moment. However there is times where she can be goofy, mostly to calm herself. She likes when you're the goofy one though, it can make her feel more relaxed and she's having fun in the moment.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

Honestly, she does have a lot of hair down there. But if you ask for her to shave, she won't mind and will do so.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Carrie mostly is a nervous wreck; blushing 24/7 and sometimes is hesitant to do certain things. Even if you tell her it's fine. She is always gentle with you and takes her time to adjust to the moment. 

J (Jacking Off, views on masturbation)

Carrie never really knew about masturbation; she found out about the subject when she accidentally caught you in the act. You told her why and how to do it (since she wanted to know) and she found it weird. Carrie tried to do it but it was too awkward for her. So... she doesn't like it that much.

K (Their kinks)

She probably has the least amount of kinks out of all the slashers. The only kinks she is into are: medical play (You being the sexy nurse and her the patient), face sitting, fem dom and praise.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate)

The bedroom. Carrie is fine with being intimate anywhere in the house. But if you ask her to try doing it somewhere outside of the house... hell no. She can't do it outside your home; she freaks out about anyone catching both of you.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

Seeing you in baggy clothes or lingerie. She blushes like crazy when she sees you in those clothes. Watching you bend over with your ass barely being covered by your shirt makes her crazy.

N (No! Something they won't do)

Anything that involves hurting you or herself. Carrie still has some issues; she doesn't want to hurt you because it reminds of her mother. She doesn't want to end up like her or hurt you so then you would leave her.

O (Ora, preferences in giving or receiving)

At first, Carrie wasn't that comfortable with giving oral to you. She found it weird to have someone's genitals in her mouth. She soon becomes more comfortable and is really good at eating you out. When you offer oral, Carrie will be in heaven. You make her shake and moan loudly from the pleasure you give.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Carrie is always slow and gently with you. She wants you to feel loved and comfortable with her. Always giving small kisses onto her forehead and will always show her love for you.

Q (Quickie, their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)

Carrie is fine with quickies, as long as it's inside the house. She just wouldn't want to do quickies frequently.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

She doesn't like taking risks, there are a small amount of times where she will though. You'll have to talk her into it for some time before she agrees. 

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last?)

Carrie can go twice a night, but if she's feeling more energetic she can go four times a night. It will last for a long time since she takes her time with you.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

Carrie does own a couple of toys: vibrators, double ended dildos and finger vibrators. She mostly uses them between you both, since she bought them to share than use for herself.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Carrie hates teasing you; so you do it to her instead! She acts like she hates it, when she secretly loves it. She loves when you make her shake and beg for more.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

Carrie does try to stay quiet, since she's nervous someone may hear you or is embarrassed by the noises she makes. But she'll quickly let out loud moans and will always compliment you.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

You both would have a date night every Friday; either she would take you somewhere or the other way round. Sometimes Carrie would use her telekinesis to make things more fun in the date. Such as making your food float at the dinner table, scaring some people and the waiters around you.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Carrie is petite and really adorable. Her boobs and ass are barely there but it's enough to grab on to. Her thighs are rather thick though.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

Carrie has a low sex drive, she never is bothered about sex. Sometimes she can get a little riled up though, especially when you're doing something lewd.

Z (How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

Afterwards, Carrie would want to cuddle with you for awhile. Before falling asleep on you, which you find so cute. Carrie likes to sleep in your sweet embrace. You do fall asleep on her at times which Carrie doesn't mind. Like you she finds it cute.

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