Bayonetta x Reader x Jeanne Headcannons

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A/N: Yeah I know they aren't horror slashers but I want to talk about them dammit! Bayonetta and Jeanne are beautiful together, and I want to be involved in their love. For Christmas, I am getting the 2nd and 3rd Bayonetta games and I can't wait to finally play them (I've only played the 1st game). These are just random thoughts /headcannons I had in my head. 

Warnings: the reader is gender neutral, fluff, smut, sfw and a few nsfw headcannons

-Both of them are kinda tall so I feel like depending on how tall are you (unless you're near to their heights) they would at least have to kneel to kiss you slightly. By the way, Bayonetta will mainly give forehead kisses while Jeanne gives cheek kisses. Yet both will kiss each side of your cheeks just to tease you.

-Speaking of kisses, so much PDA. Mostly from Bayonetta. She's always offering physical affection: placing her hand on your lower back, hugs from behind or chest-to-chest hugs, offering kisses all over you etc. Jeanne does these as well but it isn't as frequent as it is with Bayonetta.

-Shopping dates! The three of you will jump from store to store buying clothes or whatever interests any of you. You have to hold their shopping sometimes, but if you manage to be quick, you can throw your shopping into their hands and run off to another store before they can react. Leaving them to hold your stuff for a while until they find Enzo or make you hold the bags again.

-During these shopping dates, Bayo will buy or suggest clothes/shoes for you and Jeanne to try out. At times they may be out of your comfort zone but that's because Bayonetta wants to help you be more confident!

-You need a lift back home or a lift to your work? Don't worry, Jeanne will gladly drive you there. As long as she isn't too busy killing angels.

-I feel like they'd want to teach you how to defend yourself (if you don't know how to). Whether it's from angels or anyone that could possibly harm you. They don't want to risk you getting hurt when they're hunting down those pesky angels.

-Maybe they can have Rodin get you your own weapons. Surely with enough halos, he can whip something up for you.

-When in bed, you're usually the one in the middle while both witches snuggle you in between them. However, there are moments when Bayo or Jeanne swap places and be in the middle instead.

-If you're an early bird like Bayo then maybe you both can make coffee/breakfast together before waking up Jeanne. If you're not an early riser like Jeanne then you two would be cuddling asleep while Bayonetta forces you both to get out of bed.

NSFW Headcannons:

-Both can last for hours so good luck with that :D! There will be mini breaks but in a few minutes, they'd be ready for another round.

-Bayonetta's a soft dom while Jeanne is more of a hard dom. If you wanna be a dom then you have to be a good brat tamer to do so. Yet they'll let you dom if they think you deserve it, although both will still be bratty about it.

-There will be a mix of praise and degradation: praise from Bayonetta and degradation from Jeanne. Yet Jeanne only degrades you if you're ok with that.

-Also I doubt these two are that interested in you degrading them. They're fine with maybe a small moment of degrading from you but if you try to continue they will make you stop in an instant.

-Unless it's something too vulgar for them, Bayo and Jeanne are willing to try any kinks you suggest at least once.

-In public, Bayonetta will be the most willing to initiate more sexual acts. She'll eye fuck you and Jeanne, say some erotic comments, offer sensual touches etc.

-Really good at aftercare; Jeanne will be cleaning and praises you for being a wonderful lover while Bayo prepares the bath for the three of you. Or Bayo and Jeanne compliment each other back and forth as they snuggle you against their chests.

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