(The Lost Boys) Marko

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A (Aftercare)

Marko can be very affectionate. He will take any chance he gets to cuddle and be very close to you. Always nuzzling his face against your cheek, neck or chest. Marko will hold you for as long as he can.

B (Their favorite body part on you and them)

His favorite body part on him is his face. Marko face is somewhat angel-like so people usually have their guard down around him. Which makes it easy to get prey and feed his thirst. His favorite body part on you is your butt and legs. Whenever you're both together on the boardwalk, there will be plenty of times where he tries/will grab your ass just to make you yelp. 

C (Anything to do with cum)

Doesn't really have preference for cumming on or inside you. It'll honestly depend on your preference.

D (Dirty secret)

Giving you oral during your period -or biting into your thigh (making you bleed) during oral- which makes him even more aroused. The smell of your blood is so intoxicating to him; he just can't stop himself from having a bite. 

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

Again, like the rest of the boys, he has a lot of experience.

F (Favorite position)

His favorite is sixty nining, Marko loves when you both give oral to each other. He jokes about having you both cum at the same time. 

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Marko can switch from being goofy one minuet then serious the next. You don't what to expect from him. Which is what he wants honestly. If he's in a bad mood, he would mostly be serious; unless you can make him feel a little bit better and resolves into fun/goofy sex.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

It's not like a whole forest down there but there is more hair than David and Dwayne. He will shave if you want him to.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Marko is mostly fast and rough, usually leaving bruises or marks on your body. These marks are also unable to hide so people will notice them.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

He does jack off, but it isn't frequent as Paul. It only happens when you're not around and he can't die down his libido.

K (Their kinks)

Biting, period sex, begging, BDSM, overstimulation, hair pulling, marking, degrading, edging, exhibitionism, voyeurism, spanking, face riding.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate.)

Either underneath the boardwalk or somewhere secluded inside the cave. He can't really choose a favorite place; as long as you both can fuck then he won't complain where you're fucking. 

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

It doesn't take much to motivate Marko, even though it will a bit harder. If you do something that insinuates to anything sexual, such as slowly licking ice cream, then Marko's going to get a little excited. 

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Like the other boys, he is willing to try new things at least once. Sometimes he would be the one asking to try out something new.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

I guess you can say he prefers both; if he receives then he'll give back and if you receive then he expects you to give back. This is one of the reasons why sixty nining is his fav position; both of you get what you want!

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

Mainly fast and rough, he's rough to the point you're fucking shaking from the pleasure and slight pain. Yet it's not rare for him to be sensual and take it slightly slower.

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

Course he's down for quickies. They can happen at any hour of the night at the cave, boardwalk your house etc.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

Of course he takes risks, Markos a wildcard! I bet he's willing to have you suck him off whilst you're both on the Ferris wheel.

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

He has a lot of adrenaline, Marko can last for hours! It'll be around 8 rounds a night with this boy if there's no 'distractions'.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

All he owns is cuffs, rope and some duck tape. But if you want to experiment with a variety of toys then Marko will grab (by grab I mean steal) them as soon as he can.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Marko loves to tease you, he finds all of your reactions cute and does it to mess with you at times. He'd reach under your skirt or just roughly grab your ass before walking away. Acting like nothing happened. If you tease him, then he would just tease right back. But he's usually the one to get frustrated and takes you somewhere to fuck.

V (Volume,how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

There will be a lot of groans, probably some whining to. Marko will be dirtying talking into your ear, telling you how hot you are and how good it feels to be inside of you.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

Wouldn't mind if you want him to wear a collar. As long as the collar isn't a colorful one; he prefers just a black collar with spikes around it. May even let you put on a leash too!

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Marko would sadly be the smallest out of the boys at 5.5 inches (sorry not sorry).

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

His sex drive is high, but not as high as Paul's. If there was a list from highest to lowest it would go: Paul, Marko, David then Dwayne.

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

He doesn't go to sleep unless it's nearing sunrise. Marko would stay cuddling with you 24/7. Never letting you escape his loving arms, even when he's asleep it'll be hard to get out of his grasp.

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