Tiffany Valentine

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A (Aftercare)

Cuddles! After sex, Tiffany would want to either be in your arms or the other way around. Whispering sweet nothings into your/her ear. She wants both of you to feel loved after sex.

B (Their favorite body part on you and them)

Tiffany doesn't really have a favorite body part on her; since she loves every part of her. She knows she's a sexy woman that most would fall for. So asking her this then she would have to answer her whole body. Her favorite body part on you is your beautiful thick thighs. Tiff loves to stroke them because they're really soft to her.

C (Anything to do with cum)

She's fine with cumming on your face. But she isn't that keen about you cumming on her face. It's a mix bag really. If she's in a good mood then go for it; if she's in a bad mood then she'll hate it. It is kinda complicated and confusing at times for you.

D (Dirty secret)

All though she is a femdom at times; she loves seeing you as the dominate. For Tiff, it's fun to see you being the dominate during sex. Since she's mostly known to be the dominate/confident one in the relationship. 

E (Experience, how experienced are they?)

Oh, Tiff is very-well experienced. We know she dated Chucky and had children with him after all. Tiffany is a confident woman so if she is introduced to anything she doesn't know; she's always prepared for it and to try out new things. No hesitation what-so-ever.

F (Favorite position)

Her being on top of you. Tiffany likes seeing your beautiful body underneath her. Hearing your sweet voice begging and moaning her name and to pleasure you. It's music to her ears. She finds your face so adorable, especially when you blush.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

She likes to be a bit goofy at times; using ice cubs, dirty talk, dress up etc. But she can be serious as well. Tiffany mostly switches from being serious to goofy then back to serious.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

Zero hair down there. She always waxes since she finds it ugly to have hair there. If she even sees one piece of hair there; she'll immediately get rid of it.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

Tiffany is romantic in the moment. She wants you (and herself) to feel loved and cared for. She believes sex is an important part of the relationship. Since she views sex to be something important and something both of you need to be sensual with in the moment. To relish the time you both spend being together in an intimate moment.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

From time to time, she may masturbate. Hey, it's a part of human nature. Everyone does it so she isn't ashamed of it. Tiffany wouldn't do it frequently though. Sex isn't that much on her mind. She's more of a romantic.

K (Their kinks)

There are a couple of kinks Tiffany is interested in: femdom, bondage, praise, orgasm denial etc. She loves to have you to begging pleading for her touch. To have her hands roam your chest and to give you oral. It cute to hear you beg for Tiff.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate.)

It may be a typical answer but it's the bedroom. She believes it to be the best place since you can so much in the bedroom. Not worrying about anyone catching/hearing you. But she does like having sex on the couch and in the back seat of hers/yours car as well. 

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

You being romantic. An example is you taking her out for a romantic dinner. If you make her feel loved and respected, she'll return the favor. Tiffany loves how kind and genuine you are with her; she hasn't met a lot of people like you. So it was relief, dating someone like you.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Having more than one partner. No way is she having threesomes, or foursomes, or anything to do with more than you two. She isn't sharing you or herself. Tiffany will kill anybody but she only sleeps with the person she loves.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

Although Tiffany is fine between the two, she's more of a giver than a receiver. The woman knows how to use her tongue. Seeing you go weak just from one long lick, it's really amusing to her. You will become a moaning mess from her giving you oral. Tiffany does enjoy receiving though; you way you give her oral, makes her curl her toes. 

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

It's a switch between them, once again. There are times when it's rough and fast, but sometimes the moment is romantic and will last for awhile. There are times when Tiff wants to moment to be cherished and romantic. However she loves to get rough and freaky during sex as well. 

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

She loves quickies! No matter where the two of you are; if you, or Tiff, want to have some fun then she's down. In a public restroom or in the woods, she wouldn't care. There's that thrill of someone catching you both in the act. Well god luck to them because who ever catches you will be killed quick. 

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

Like I said before, Tiffany has that thrill of someone catching you both. She could kill them before continuing with you. So hell yeah she's game to experiment!

S (Stamina, how many rounds can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

She can go up for 4 rounds a night. Especially if it's involving whips, ropes, vibrators... Tiff has a lot of stamina, mostly due to killing people. Also, she makes the night last by teasing you a lot. Delayed orgasms makes the night last longer.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

She does a own a couple of toys: vibrators, blindfolds, handcuffs, double headed dildos etc. But Tiffany would like to explore with more toys in the near future with you. Maybe she would wear a strap on.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Tiff is a major tease. She loves being in control, having you go near the edge to only make you pull away. Making you pout and annoyed by it, which she finds adorable. Seeing you tied up, unable to move so her wandering hands can explore your body. You're under her mercy; she can make you lose control. 

V (Volume,how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

There's a lot of moaning, from you and Tiffany. These moans can go from loud then quiet to loud once more. Tiffany may even let out some sexy growls whilst grinding on you. Her growls are such a turn on for you.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

Tiffany would like to give you a small dance before sex. Wearing revealing clothes (Like the GIF at the top) and gives you a strip tease before sex. Strip teasing is another way to have the night last longer and make you wait. Tiff wants you to beg her sometimes.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

This woman is built like a goddess! She does have an hourglass figure. There is: her plump lips, large chest, small waist and soft thighs. Tiff is beautiful and no one can tell her, or you, otherwise! 

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

I guess you can say her sex drive is normal. There are those moments where she'll have a wet dream. She may have innocent cuddles with you that may go further. Tiffany is that sexually active.

Z( How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

Depending on what you did during sex. If you both just had sex using whips, ropes, chains. Basically being very kinky. Then she'll go to bed quickly. However if it was a vanilla/romantic night together, Tiffany will stay up to embrace you (or for you to embrace her) before going to sleep. Hopefully to wake up with you in her loving arms.

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