Hannibal Lector

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(This is kinda based off the Hannibal from the show)

A (Aftercare)

After sex, Hannibal will always shower you with kisses. Wrapping his arms around you so you can feel comforted. In the morning, Hannibal may just let you have a small cuddle before he'll get up to make breakfast for you and him.

B (Their favorite body part on you and him)

His favorite body on him would definetly be his eyes. He can intimidate people just by looking at them. When he first met you, he could tell you were enchanted by him. You couldn't deny that he was irresistible. You love everything about him. Hannibal's favorite body part on you would be your waist. He loves pulling you up close to him and cuddle; having his arms wrapped around your waist.

C (Anything to do with cum)

Most of the time, Hannibal wears a condom when you're being intimate together. But if he doesn't have one on him, he'll cum either on your breasts or your ass. When giving Hannibal head, he will make you swallow his cum.

D (Dirty secret)

He loves being praised during sex. Telling him how good he is in bed, turns him on so much.

E (Experience, how experience are they?)

This man is attractive, charming and suave. He can seduce anyone in a second. Hannibal knows what to do and how to get people to trust him. He is super romantic as well.

F (Favorite position)

He loves the classic missionary position. Seeing your beautilful face underneath him as he thrust in and out of you. However, he also likes to fuck you up against the wall in his office. Maybe on a desk too.

G (Goofy or serious in the moment?)

Hannibal is more serious in the moment. He is mostly focused on having passionate and mutual sex with you. If there ever was a goofy moment during sex it would be a small moment.

H (Hair, how well are they groomed?)

It's cut and clean down there. He wants it to be clean and groomed for you as well.

I (Intimacy, how are they during the moment?)

During the moment he's romantic, passionate and careful with you. Well, he's careful when you aren't 'experimenting' in other kinks. *cough* BDSM *cough*.

J (Jacking off, views on masturbation)

Hannibal isn't very fond of masturbation, but it's a part of human nature. He only does it when you're not around to help him with his personal needs.

K (Their kinks)

He does have a couple of kinks: BDSM, biting, Hematolagnia, spanking and maybe some more in the future. Hannibal would like to explore more kinks with you. He may be considering to have another person in these activies.

L (Location, their favorite place to be intimate)

His bedroom and anywhere in his office: against the bookcases, on the desk, one of chairs. Basically anywhere in his office. As long as it's just you and him- nobody to interrupt- he's fine with the area.

M (Motivation, what gets them going?)

Seeing you sexy lingere. He buys you some and reccomends for you to wear it before bed. So he can rip it off later on.

N (No! Something they wouldn't do)

Trying any kinks that are too vulgar/messy for him. He may want to experiment most kinks with you, but there is a limit on what to explore. Any kinks involving: urine, menstrual blood, vomit etc. That's a big no for him.

O (Oral, preference in giving or receiving)

He prefers giving than receiving. He loves hearing your moans just from him licking you out. Giving you oral is another way for him to tease you as well.

P (Pace, fast and rough or slow and sensual?)

At times Hannibal is slow and passionate, but he can get rough. Really rough. He tries to not hurt too much though.

Q (Quickies, their opinion on quickies rather than proper sex)

Hannibal is half and half on quickies. It really depends on what time of the day it was; if you both were in the office and it was the afternoon. Hannibal would be fine with a quickie then.

R (Risks, are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)

He's down to take risks. After all, he wants to try new things. Especially when it involves you. He would be the one mostly encourging to take these risks.  

S (Stamina, how many round can they go for? How long do they usually last for?)

Since Hannibal takes good care of his physical health, he can last for a very long time. It would usually go up to 6 rounds in a night. Starting from rough sex, to romantic sex, then ending with lazy sex.

T (Toys, do they own toys? Do they use them?)

He secretly owns a couple of toys. Hannibal only starts using them when the relationship is more serious and he fully trusts you. Handcuffs, ropes, paddles you name it. He may buy some new toys just for you to use.

U (Unfair, how much do they like to tease)

Hannibal loves teasing you. Having you squirm and beg for him to pleassure you makes him love you even more. One thing about his teasing is that he sometimes does it in pulic as well: rubbing your inner thigh during dinner in a resturant or rubbing your ass whilst on public transport. He'd mostly do that as a punishment.

V (Volume, how loud are they? What kind of noises do they make?)

His noises are low grunts and lots of dirty talk. You would do dirty talk as well, praising him to make him more aroused. You praising him can make him turn into an complete animal in bed.

W (Wildcard, random head cannon)

Hannibal is known for being cultured, refined in language and art. So he would like to teach you what he knows. Even creating some exquisite meals for you both to enjoy. Before you ask, if you worry about the food being human meat it isn't. If you tell Hannibal you don't want to eat human meat, he'll respect your boundaries and won't serve you that.

X (X-ray, what's going on in their pants?)

Hannibal is average size and the shaft is long with a slight curve.

Y (Yearning, how high is their sex drive?)

It isn't necessarily high but when you're in bed together; it goes from 25 to 100 real quick. He can keep control of his sex drive. 

Z (How fast do they fall asleep afterwards?)

It takes a couple of moments before he goes to sleep. Usually, he'd wrap his arms around you and kiss you again and again. Before he decides to sleep beside you. Holding you in his arms. Sometimes he goes to sleep before you; so you have the chance to gaze at his handsome face without him givng you an intimidating glare.

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